Added lots of rocks recently.
Current Stock:
3×GSP (i love these)
2x zoas
Couple small lps frags.
3x Anemones ( Carpet and 2 bubbletips.)
3x tangs (yellow angel mimic, convict, blue hippo)
10x demsels
3x blennies
4x osc clowns and 1 maroon(was first fish.)
1x hawkfish
1x foxface
3x emerald crabs
1x wrasse
1x cleaner shrimp need more.
6x turbo snails
2x starfish
Lots of margarita snails and hermit crabs
Thankfully all the parameters are perfect!
Only issue am having is dealing with evaporation, im losing about 1-2 a day i think.
Setting up a ATO is not working out due to the fact that my pump is performing sometimes faster so the chamber for return gets lower... i think i need to run it on different circuit.
Need suggestion, I am having problem keeping the powerheads attached, its losing suction and also the magnet doesnt help much.