Figured I'd give a little update, I enjoy this catfish a lot, he's the boss of the tank, the only one he seems to take as a territorial threat is the erythrinus sp Peru, night time comes or well lights out could be only on his tank and he comes out and swims up and down and back and forth non stop, really active at night, comes out to eat during the day, only catfish I ever heard talk, can hear it all night, I caught a video yesterday of it feeding a little and it attacked the ery when the ery went under its dw, you could hear it if you listen closely, it was talking when it grabbed the tail fin of the ery lol. I'm not sure how to upload videos though. In the picture you can see some scrapes likely from the ery but could just be from rubbing up on the dw. Probably 4-5" now got it at 3" a lot thicker as well. Beautiful fish.