I did some digging up of whatever I could find on Google before buying and someone claimed to have an 8" one but that's it's growth seemed nonexistent if there was any, of course no pictures though. And I figured if not that then there must be different variants in different localities or just 2 different species altogether. A year huh? Must be like loaches growth lol.I think you are right and this is a baby pattern.
The max size is listed at ~10" SL or ~1' TL but I've never seen one bigger than 6" TL. It's not a fast growing fish. I'd guess it will take roughy a year to go from 2" to 4".
He was swimming around earlier, maybe he'll be outgoing cause he definitely decided that spot as his hiding spot. I'll see if he'll eat later when I get home, probably not though. Post pics when you get it inOkay....so @moe214.....ur jag got me and I just ordered it from aquascapeonline. So looking forward to it.
Got one catfish left on my wish list (Wallace's shoe head catfish) then I'm done with catfish.