Rehome a poly over a cat? No way that's crazy If my Snakehead Gudgeon, Black Ghost Knife or one of my "Peaceful" american cichlids constantly attacked or hurt any of my poly's they would be the first to go . I deal with poly on poly crimes every now and again but as mentioned that is to be expected to establish/maintain a pecking order. Good call keeping Croc I would have made the same decisionIts a risk especially with croc. These scaless cats arent built to take poly "nips" the juruense got the crap kicked out of it.
In all honesty i would 1st decide this.... say the cat has a great personality (active and a good eater) BUT croc takes a bite out of crime, the easy answer would be to rehome the cat....but would you be willing to rehome croc ?
Even tho my vulture is left alone the jur is not, im going through this right now. I may have to rehome my ornate