Glad the 150 is gone and you have less tanks to maintain. Sorry to hear about the rehoming of Nigel and the Sen. I know you are equally devastated about Nigel. The basement flooding sucks. In positive news, tank looks great!Took a vid of the teug, man its turning into a really nice looking poly.
So quick update. Ornate has been rehomesd the little sen is also on his way out too. 150 gal is gone.
Last week i flooded a decent portion of my basement. I was able to save the carpet but had tp have the padding replaced. I fell asleep with the baby while filling the 75 gal. To make matters worse when i woke up i totally forgot about the tank and went to pick my son up from school...ouch !!! Luckily im still married
What are the benefits of a drip system? Do they refill and empty on their own. Not familiar with them. You and @twentyleagues should make a build book. Could go over sump builds, drip builds, backgrounds.