Our barramundi has checked out after 3+ years with us. From 2" to 34" in about 38 months.
IDK what exactly went wrong. Two plausible reasons are
-- I have been losing fish for the last 6 months due to an unidentified disease, could be columnaris, in all my tanks;
-- I fed it only marine bait fish, it'd never ever take a pellet; perhaps I should have been soaking its fish in VitaChem, if some nutritional deficiency had developed;
-- perhaps our barramundi prefered to get in the brackish or saltwater.
Last year it had gone on a hunger strike for a few months, which worried me greatly. This year, it repeated the fast again, which, I thought now, could be seasonal. But this time the fast had been longer and it obviously wanted to feed but was extremely fussy about what it would accept and not spit out or not turn its nose up from.
In the last week its swimming bladder wouldn't let it go down and even stay upright.
Can anyone share their barramundi experience? I can't recall seeing any reports on MFK. I understand there are landlocked populations in f/w for life.
The tail fin and others have been trimmed by tank mates, mostly post mortum and mostly by the ever-opportunistic pacu. At east 2"-3" have been taken off the tail, hence ~32" on the ruler in the pics: