300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Your tank just looks fantastic!

The vulture is getting big. You need to get another one so it can have a buddy. Lol

How do you get your substrate to look so clean? Do you actually vac it or do the polies and vulture just keep active and keep stuff from settling on the bottom?

Last question, what species is the poly at the very beginning, at 0:14 seconds? The coloration looks awesome!

Thx man. Thats a koloton. They havent been formerly described yet but its more than likely part of the lap group.

I used to attribute it to ridx and sufficient flow but i havent dosed ridx in a couple of months.

Tbh i never gravel vac'd this tank not even once. The returns are tee'd off on each end (making a total of 4 nozzles) and pointed towards each other and up towards the surface. The flow meets at the surface and pushes water straight down to the substrate, across the bottom, up the side panels, then Into the overflows.

The polys really arent messy the pearsei drops bigger bombs than my 9month old son lol.

Thx for the compliments dude.
Thx man how are your plans coming allong
Its good but stressfull, no plans on getting a big tank yet, the tank i have right now are discus 65g, 40b exodon tank, 10g planted tank and a 3g cherry red shrimp tank. So far those are easy maintenance except the discus tank, im trying to sell the discus and im trying to aquascape the 65g and turn it into a pictus catfish tank.
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Nice bichirs and tank. Is that a 3D background?
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Its good but stressfull, no plans on getting a big tank yet, the tank i have right now are discus 65g, 40b exodon tank, 10g planted tank and a 3g cherry red shrimp tank. So far those are easy maintenance except the discus tank, im trying to sell the discus and im trying to aquascape the 65g and turn it into a pictus catfish tank.

Man im jealous of those exodons. Man update you poly thread with vids on them lol who cares

Nice bichirs and tank. Is that a 3D background?

Thx man i appreciate the compliments. Hows your group doing ?

Yes its from universal rocks. Tbh it looks nice but i'd rather have went with a black painted backround. The polys looked much better on the garnet/dark or solid colored backround. I think its too light
Im a little concerned about one of th congi (king kong) he doesnt look right. Something is off but i can put my finger on it. The way hes sitting doesnt seem right maybe hes a little bloated looking, its freakin bothering me
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I don't see anything in the pic that looks out of place. Weird how the teug and congi are hanging out though. Like best buds! Everything looks great!
I don't see anything in the pic that looks out of place. Weird how the teug and congi are hanging out though. Like best buds! Everything looks great!

I really wanna remove all the dw. But the jags kind of need it. The teug was kind of acting like a jerk for a bit but seems okeee dokee now.

Is it sitting on its side or its leaning to the side alittle bit?
Yeah a little but seems fine today. I think i over fed pellets the night before.
I really wanna remove all the dw. But the jags kind of need it. The teug was kind of acting like a jerk for a bit but seems okeee dokee now.

Yeah a little but seems fine today. I think i over fed pellets the night before.
Great to hear. I can see what you mean by Kong looking like he’s leaning/off. Kinda looks like he was leaning on his right. Maybe he ate too much. Either way, glad he seems fine today. Keep us posted. Glad to see he and snakeeyes are hanging out still.
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