Your tank just looks fantastic!
The vulture is getting big. You need to get another one so it can have a buddy. Lol
How do you get your substrate to look so clean? Do you actually vac it or do the polies and vulture just keep active and keep stuff from settling on the bottom?
Last question, what species is the poly at the very beginning, at 0:14 seconds? The coloration looks awesome!
Thx man. Thats a koloton. They havent been formerly described yet but its more than likely part of the lap group.
I used to attribute it to ridx and sufficient flow but i havent dosed ridx in a couple of months.
Tbh i never gravel vac'd this tank not even once. The returns are tee'd off on each end (making a total of 4 nozzles) and pointed towards each other and up towards the surface. The flow meets at the surface and pushes water straight down to the substrate, across the bottom, up the side panels, then Into the overflows.
The polys really arent messy the pearsei drops bigger bombs than my 9month old son lol.
Thx for the compliments dude.