lowes quikrete play sand toxic?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Jul 29, 2017
I finished rinsing lowes quickrete play sand in the 40g. added in my 5 roseline sharks and 9 clown loaches from my quarantine tank, they have been in there for 3 weeks

20 minutes later I go check up on them and the 2 roselines are floating . I quickly remove them all and put them into my guppy colony in the tank above them, another 40 g. a few minutes after that my cories in the colony all start to float. and act erratic.

I do a quickly do a 90% WC and I still lost all 5 roselines . 2 out of 6 cories (the others don't look good) and all my loaches are laying on there sides pretty sure just about dead. I think my guppies are ok no obvious death just caos. red cherry shrimp seems completely unaffected .

I don't know wtf happened!!!!??????

I'm completely lost on what just happened especially how moving roselines/loaches into the other tank killed all my cories.

i had just done a 50% WC on the colony before all this. always use seachem safe on all my tanks (20s 40s 75s and 150).

I hope someone has some advice or similar experience because I'm am seriously lost am what just happened right now. don't have time to rest water from bottom tank right .
ps. iv always used the homedepot play sand with our any problems before. first time using lowes sand
We will need readings from your tank as well unless someone has had experience with this before quikcrete ???

But without knowing your filtration / Ammonia / Nitrite / nitrate levels in the tanks it could be the sand or could be something else entirely...
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It certainly sounds like the Lowes sand had something very toxic in it, especially if the fish and/or nets introduced enough of the toxin from the play sand tank, to kill fish in another tank.
how long did you spend on rinsing the sand? Did you separate the sand in multiple parts when rinsing?

When I used play sand, I divide it into about 5-6 equal parts and had to rinse it with continually flowing water ~15-20 minutes until the water no longer had an oily sheen to it.
I've used Target brand play sand from Home Depot over the years, and never gave it more than a quick rinse in a pail, then scooped into the tank. I never separated anything? Never once had any issues. I've even done this a few times with fish in the tanks, again, no issues.
Yep,as RD pointed out,the sand had some kind of harmful chemical or substance added to it.I wonder if the two stores carry the same brands of play sand?
well . woke up this morning and my whole guppie colony is dead, 100 dead guppies is a sad sight to wake up too.
lost a couple shrimo, looked like 3 cories are still kicking . didn't have time to do a parameter check gonna have to wait till I get home .

I guess if I have to put a "good" spin is that I bought 6 sacks of sand for my 210g oscar tank project, easier to lose these little guys than my large oscars and polys. still sucks thou since I watch my guppie colony grow from a few dozen to a tons of babies swimming around over the last couple months .

will update with parameters tonight.
If the problem is due to some additive in the sand I doubt that the parameter readings will reveal much if anything.
well . woke up this morning and my whole guppie colony is dead, 100 dead guppies is a sad sight to wake up too.
lost a couple shrimo, looked like 3 cories are still kicking . didn't have time to do a parameter check gonna have to wait till I get home .

I guess if I have to put a "good" spin is that I bought 6 sacks of sand for my 210g oscar tank project, easier to lose these little guys than my large oscars and polys. still sucks thou since I watch my guppie colony grow from a few dozen to a tons of babies swimming around over the last couple months .

will update with parameters tonight.

How long did you rinse the sand for?