So I've been keeping fish for 4 years in a 55 gallon aquarium but have decided to get a much larger 450 gallon aquarium. I have little experience keeping bigger carnivorous fish and wanted to know if this would be an okay stocking list for a 450 gallon tank.
1 Tiger Oscar
9 Silver Dollars
1 or 2 Jack Dempsey Chiclids
An army of Cherry Shrimp (And if I can get them to breed more than they are eaten)
30ish Rummynose Tetras
1 Male Betta
20 Harlequin Raspboras
20 Feeder white cloud Minnows
And a handful of Platy's
With all the smaller peaceful fish I'm planning on having a decent sized area of the tank sized off (Maybe 55 gallons) so none of the predators can get in but so the smaller fish can still swim out into the rest of the tank. Any suggestions or If this tank stocking list is even possible would be appreciated.
1 Tiger Oscar
9 Silver Dollars
1 or 2 Jack Dempsey Chiclids
An army of Cherry Shrimp (And if I can get them to breed more than they are eaten)
30ish Rummynose Tetras
1 Male Betta
20 Harlequin Raspboras
20 Feeder white cloud Minnows
And a handful of Platy's
With all the smaller peaceful fish I'm planning on having a decent sized area of the tank sized off (Maybe 55 gallons) so none of the predators can get in but so the smaller fish can still swim out into the rest of the tank. Any suggestions or If this tank stocking list is even possible would be appreciated.