West African Biotopes


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2017
Update Video
Love, love this tank... the West African Riverine is my next build African
so I was happy to find your thread.
Couple of questions:
I see that the one tetra is phenocogrammus interruptus, but the other am not sure about--- is it brycinus longgipinnis? It is defiantly better for these larger tetras to go into a longer tank, you can really see their interesting shoaling behaviors.
What filter do you have on the tank, any power heads to increase flow, or find not necessary?


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2009
corvallis, OR
You are correct on the tetras and they love the extra space and current. The tank is set up like a hillstream loach river tank, with 3 intake sponges on a manifold on one side. From there the water is pulled by 3 300 gph powerheads, with venturis, positioned on the opposite side. Most all the flow runs from left to right.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
lunsforj lunsforj Do you find this manifold gives a realistic river/stream flow?
I tried it and got more a turbulent, multi-directional flow in the tank but not the unidirectional flow of a real stream I was after.

You say "most of the flow runs left to right". Where does the rest go?


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2009
corvallis, OR
There is a slight backwashing effect along the bottom of the tank. For the most part though the current along the top goes from left to right, then slows around the intake sponges. My plan is to try a nymphaea on that side of the tank, since the flow is relatively still there.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
That could look awesome and give the fish a reason to hang out under there.
The flow you described was what was happening in mine. I tried using rocks and a few other tricks to direct flow but still wasn't happy.

I watched a video on YouTube by a guy who specializes in river tanks doing a talk at some convention and it was really interesting. After that I switched to his method and got the desired effect.


MFK Member
Aug 6, 2009
corvallis, OR
I know which guy you are talking about I think, where you do basically a false bottom and move water underneath your main display right? I wasn't wanting such a torrent for my westies. I wanted it to see like a steady moving pool that a stream rapid was feeding.

I think for some species, the high torrent river tanks could be very beneficial. With that said, with many cichlids, I find they need a break from the current. For that reason , I believe you need to create a slack area that provides cover. I keep another tank with Indian fish with much higher flow. I find that even with fish that love the flow like barilius, the fish need to take breaks and some species like Denison barbs, which come from high flow areas in nature, failed to thrive altogether.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2005
I know which guy you are talking about I think, where you do basically a false bottom and move water underneath your main display right? I wasn't wanting such a torrent for my westies. I wanted it to see like a steady moving pool that a stream rapid was feeding.

I think for some species, the high torrent river tanks could be very beneficial. With that said, with many cichlids, I find they need a break from the current. For that reason , I believe you need to create a slack area that provides cover. I keep another tank with Indian fish with much higher flow. I find that even with fish that love the flow like barilius, the fish need to take breaks and some species like Denison barbs, which come from high flow areas in nature, failed to thrive altogether.
What you are thinking about is the Pantarhei Series of pumps. Oliver Knott set up a tank to test it. The guy I mentioned did a talk at a convention in the states somewhere and someone was allowed to record and post it onto YouTube. I cannot find it again.

He describes the difference between your manifold and a circular motion of water through the tank replicating a stream and can be done with any amount of flow. Your comment about the cichlids is well founded and is the main reason my circulation pump is only on with the lights. about 8 hours a day. For 16 hours they can chill. it has worked very well so far. Hoping it keeps up.

The moving pool comment you made and your manifold choice make a lot of sense now and is probably why this tank is pulled off so well. And so popular.

BTW how is your Myanmar tank I saw on YouTube?

Gourami Swami

MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jul 13, 2006
Really dig all these setups lunsforj lunsforj very outside the box. May be attempting a river setup myself soon, probably going to build something similar to your diagram.
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