Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; The sequence of a scientific theory becoming an accepted scientific law is usually a long series of tests. Newton's classical laws of motion are now considered such because of literally countless attempts to test them. Same for Boyle's and Charle's gas laws.

My guess is if it were not for the social resistance to Darwin's ideas they would likely be considered laws by now. Even so let us consider them as theories still. It is possible for a theory to contain some facts even if said theory is not yet tested so thoroughly as to be considered a law.
An old example. Before the industrial revolution there was a species of moth which would rest on the bark of trees. Most were light colored to match the lighter bark background. Few were dark. During the early industrial revolution the trees in several areas became coated with soot. The lighter moths stood out and were easier prey. Over a few years or perhaps decades the general population of that species began to contain more dark individuals due to selection pressures. This was recorded and observed so becomes a fact. This fact alone would not be enough to make the theory into a law. More facts are needed and a number of other facts do exist. So facts about portions of a theory can exist even if the overall theory is still in some question.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Apr 8, 2015
Ok so after that we're still at the same conclusion

When dealing with origins, everyone who believes does so by faith is what I'm saying
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Hello; First I am not a liberal. I am not criticising your acts or the acts of others. You have jumped to a defensive position which in not warranted. I also think people should generally be able to do pretty much what they want. The exceptions include those things that affect others.

Smoking for example. I quit smoking many decades ago and now the smell is nauseating and I have a strong reaction to it. I am pleased that I now longer have to risk breathing second hand smoke in resturants. I do not allow smoking on my property but figure you or others can smoke at your place all you want. My problem with smoking is that the expected disease outcomes result in expensive medical care. That many who smoke themselves into such tobacco related disease often cannot pay the cost of that freedom of choice.
My teachers health insurance started making smokers pay a bigger premium rate some years ago. This is the way it should be in that the extra premiums should pay for the greater likely hood of tobacco related disease for the smokers.

Car exhaust is somewhat different. Every car puts out toxic emissions that move around freely to the lungs of others. I was a driver before the first smog controls were placed on vehicles and can recall serious smog. For example if I have a creek that crosses my property onto someone else's property, do I have the right to poision that water when it is on my property?

Yet again your being way to sensative, and I'm not even being 100% serious..aybe like 95%

Liberals are different from conservatives not only because of their views but how they share them.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
I'm in Florida right now..not liking these stories..ugh


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington