Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
We still have a long way to go on electric cars: Price, power, speed, how long a charge will last, how fast to charge. Solar panels on a house cost over $20,000.
I think electric cars are a) worse for the environment than the gas ones, due to their batteries,and b) Not the future. Biodiesel, Hydrogen, or H-fuel cell is the future for cars and taxis.

If you own your house and cut down your shade trees, and take out a $20k home equity loan, the money you can save from the solar panels will likely be more than the loan payments.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Apr 8, 2015
I think electric cars are a) worse for the environment than the gas ones, due to their batteries,and b) Not the future. Biodiesel, Hydrogen, or H-fuel cell is the future for cars and taxis.
Thank you. I never get why people think these are better for the environment


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
If you own your house and cut down your shade trees, and take out a $20k home equity loan, the money you can save from the solar panels will likely be more than the loan payments.
It's a fairly new house, trees are not tall enough. We were turned down 2 years ago for a car loan because we have too many loans out...don't want to add one.


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2017
You can quote these hearing all you want but it's the supreme Court we are talking about. Bunch of libs themselves. Just because the pass something doesn't make it right
The Supreme Court is the highest authority on how laws should be applied. We can not wave away their decisions because of their personal political beliefs.

Total b.s right here. What he showed was how dems we're the original racists with fact, names, and dateds. History doesn't like all you have to do is peel the onion back.

Goerge Soros is a mutt. Are you seriously going to defend this guy ? He donated 10
K bto a friend that donated it or something. He totally admitted it was a mistake and there were tons of others that did the same thing and no charges where made against them. You don't think it's odd that he's the one that goes to jail after his Obama movies. Stop man wither your trolling or really drinking the cool aid.

Trump didn't just get sworn in. And I'm retty sure he did more in the first few months that any president in recent yrs.

So Trump doesn't get credit but then how does oshama get the nobel peace prize not even a yr after being elected. Please explain this to me
What does "the original racists" mean? Sure, Democrats like Jackson were racists. But modern day democrats are nowhere close to Jacksonians. Democrats are Democrats because of their set of principles not because of a label. D'Souza operates on the assumption that Democrats are Democrats because of a tribe loyalty and that they don't think stuff like genocide are bad things.

FBI.GOV said:
In 2012, the Election Act limited campaign contributions to $5,000 from any individual to any one candidate. In March 2012, D’SOUZA contributed $10,000 to the Senate campaign of Wendy Long on behalf of himself and his wife, agreeing in writing to attribute that contribution as $5,000 from his wife and $5,000 from him. In August 2012, D’SOUZA directed other individuals with whom he was associated, namely his assistant and a woman with whom D’SOUZA was romantically involved (the “Straw Donors”), to make contributions to Wendy Long’s campaign for the United States Senate (the “Long Campaign”) on behalf of themselves and their spouses that totaled $20,000 with the promise that he would reimburse them for the contributions. Later that same day or the next day, D’SOUZA, as promised, reimbursed the Straw Donors $10,000 each in cash for the contributions. When confronted by Ms. Long, D’SOUZA initially misled the candidate before admitting what he had done.

During the plea proceeding, D’SOUZA admitted before the Court that he caused two close associates to contribute $10,000 each to the Long Campaign with the understanding that he would reimburse them for their contributions and that he did reimburse them. D’SOUZA also admitted that he knew that what he was doing was wrong and something the law forbids.
So he admitted that he knew what he did was wrong and illegal. Should he have been let to go free because there are people who get away with it? Your assertions that he was being punished for his Obama movies is not backed up by any evidence. The law applies equally.

I never said Obama should have gotten the Nobel prize.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
We can feed everyone on Earth 10x over with the tech we have now.
Hello; No this is not possible for several reasons.

If we are desperate enough, we will build Orion-style nuclear-powered spaceships and colonize Space.
Hello; A dream.

We are not Doomed. Maybe threatened, yes, but not Doomed.
Hello; I guess it is not over till the fat lady sings so too early to call it. I have my doubts and played my best hand back in 1975.
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
It's like a Disney fairy tale one day a prince is going to save you and you'll live happily ever after. One day their might be technology that could get more power from a solar panel, but it's so far out it's ridiculous. If it was viable we wouldnt skip a beat. Why do you think everything fell apart? You cut off your main energy source along with everything attached to it and didn't have anything to replace it.

This is older but not a lot had changed.

Same with wind.

Look at electrical engineering/physics forums search for these topics
I don't know of "everything fell apart", but you may be alluding to something I know nothing of.

WInd is unreliable. However, I helped someone build a series of turbines for his house out of old sheet metal, wire and harddrives that could put out 10kw FREE. It is CHEEP! (If I had a choice, we would've used old motors, but I didn't even get to see it finished. Just helped an old guy out for a day while I was in highschool.

Your solar numbers are old. It is now approx. $50/MW. The price is falling.

I do not think any one thing will save us, and I don't think it'll be easy, but it is DOABLE.
Using geothermal heat, a wood furnace, a fan and a funnel to heat/cool your house, cutting down on countless little losses you have around the house, using lead acid batteries or hydrogen to store power, all these little things can add up to the point in which you rarely need to use fossil feuls in your life. That is enough.

If you haven't the credit or cash for panels, maybe it's not good for you, but that doesn't mean it's not feasible for many, or that there aren't things that could help you. Even a lone 100w panel maybe could put a dent in your bill, or maybe you could boost your insulation.
I got a working 150w someone threw out for some reason that I can't figure out what to do with LOL. (inverters are expensive.)
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
Hello; No this is not possible for several reasons.
Why? Do you know how land efficient Aquaponics is?

Hello; A dream.
Why is the Orion just a dream? Desperate, yes, but feasible if things come to it.
Hello; I guess it is not over till the fat lady sings so too early to call it. I have my doubts and played my best hand back in 1975.
Exactly. We need cards for 2018.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello J. H.; The payback on solar panels in part depended on being able to sell some of the excess electricity back to the power companies. It is my understanding now that power companies in some states have used their considerable influence and folks can no longer sell their excess power back to the grid.
On electric cars. many states have or are in the process of finding ways to charge fees to owners of electric cars. Partly because they do not pay state and federal gas taxes. The reasoning being that electric cars use the roads and are avoiding their share of the cost.

I had to register my car and truck back in May here in TN. I seem to recall that while for a car or truck it was about $75. For electric cars I think it is now $200.
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