Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
To late for that, I expect there's gonna be a massive war soon, with all the plagues that come with it.
Humans need a few basic things such as water, food,shelter etc, when these things run low humans have two options: sit around and die or fight.

During world war 2 the axis would leave captured prisoners (among them many Jews or people friendly to the allies etc), in railroad cars for weeks or months, passers by would throw in a crust of bread and the prisoners would kill each other over a scrap of bread.

We are at the brink, with one foot on a banana peel,with resources so overstretched anything that upsets the balance can send society tumbling off the edge.

Populations cannot sustain a indefinite upward trend in growth, because our resources aren't indefinite.

For a better idea of what will happen check out revelations, which was written at a time where most of the things described were not known to what we now call science.

Most people do not have the will or skills to survive a large scale catastrophe, therefore most will die.

This sort of event can be triggered by many things such as : political turmoil,lack of ability to get resources such as gasoline (think about it,without gasoline what would you do), rubber (engines don't run well without rubber) or many other essential things we take for granted.

Sorry for the long post
I think we are on the brink of another civil war. What's going to make this difficult is unlike the civil war having a north vs south. We are all mixed up.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
The guy who thinks George Soros was a Nazi collaborator? He also thinks democrats are comparable to Nazis. He tried to manipulate elections through straw donating and now is a felon because of that. Also the racist trash who called Obama "a boy out of the ghetto".
Total b.s right here. What he showed was how dems we're the original racists with fact, names, and dateds. History doesn't like all you have to do is peel the onion back.

Goerge Soros is a mutt. Are you seriously going to defend this guy ? He donated 10
K bto a friend that donated it or something. He totally admitted it was a mistake and there were tons of others that did the same thing and no charges where made against them. You don't think it's odd that he's the one that goes to jail after his Obama movies. Stop man wither your trolling or really drinking the cool aid.

Interesting how you just dismiss it if it contradicts with your beliefs but it's gospel if it agrees with you.

Any examples of how the trade deals aren't fair?

I don't get why you think some one who just was sworn into office a month ago can be credited for economic booms that began during the previous administration. It's like me succeeding someone as CEO of a company and recording goodprofits the next month and crowing about what a great CEO I am.

I don't think most of the ESL students are illegal but here's a supreme court case on it:
"A 5-to-4 majority of the Supreme Court found that this policy [charging tuition to undocumented students] was in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as unauthorized immigrant children are people "in any ordinary sense of the term," and therefore had protection from discrimination unless a substantial state interest could be shown to justify it."
Yes I just read an article where the Germans were freaking out because he was changing our existing deal. Screw them he's our president not theirs.

Trump didn't just get sworn in. And I'm retty sure he did more in the first few months that any president in recent yrs.

So Trump doesn't get credit but then how does oshama get the nobel peace prize not even a yr after being elected. Please explain this to me
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
The question is why we are having classes to teach English to what I understand are illegal aliens? If in fact illegal alien children are in our schools then why is that as they should be deported anyway?
I say send them back...they are invaders.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Interesting how you just dismiss it if it contradicts with your beliefs but it's gospel if it agrees with you.

Any examples of how the trade deals aren't fair?

I don't get why you think some one who just was sworn into office a month ago can be credited for economic booms that began during the previous administration. It's like me succeeding someone as CEO of a company and recording goodprofits the next month and crowing about what a great CEO I am.

I don't think most of the ESL students are illegal but here's a supreme court case on it:
"A 5-to-4 majority of the Supreme Court found that this policy [charging tuition to undocumented students] was in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as unauthorized immigrant children are people "in any ordinary sense of the term," and therefore had protection from discrimination unless a substantial state interest could be shown to justify it."
You can quote these hearing all you want but it's the supreme Court we are talking about. Bunch of libs themselves. Just because the pass something doesn't make it right


MFK Member
Jun 8, 2018
Have them go there,place a large order and then leave when the food arrives.
Before you go, give a little back,
" Is THIS the place some degenerate refused to serve Sarah Sanders??? I'm out of here!!! This place is filthy by the way! Just because it's called the Red Hen, doesn't mean it has to look and smell like a chicken coop!"


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Before you go, give a little back,
" Is THIS the place some degenerate refused to serve Sarah Sanders??? I'm out of here!!! This place is filthy by the way! Just because it's called the Red Hen, doesn't mean it has to look and smell like a chicken coop!"
Oh yeah....a few parting shots are a must.

J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
Here is a question. I have central air for my three bedroom house but have run it but so far this season for a few hours on 3 very hot humid nights while I slept. I keep my electric use down that way. My last bill was $56 for 32 days. Are you willing to go without AC during the summer most of the time? Before you jump to the conclusion that it is because I cannot afford to use it, that is not the case.
That is a way to cope.
Same here we only use our AC for guests or if one if my sisters cannot handle the heat.
I am the same way. I am 37 and never drove a vehicle. I recently nixed cable in favor of antenna TV and I can turn my TV into a computer VIA HDMI cable. I have been a lifelong cyclist and when we moved, I moved 80% of our house on a bike trailer that I fabricated (mostly from repurposed dumpster finds) not bad for a conservative. Al Gore, eat your carbon footprint out.
I commute on my bike as well. I only drive if I need to carry passengers, a lot of cargo, if it is raining, or if I need to go a long distance and there is no chance of a ride/a bus. My two year old bike has over 3k miles on it.
Here's another thing why are you keeping monster fish in monster aquariums if your worried about your foot print?
Large lights, pumps, and huge waterchanges are not exactly low impact compliant. Not to mention enslaving fish that could otherwise have a huge river to live in right?
I have my desires that I do not want to give up. However, I use plants, sunlight and rainwater to minimize my consumption.
I am not so liberal as to feel a need to free the fish. I am an old fashioned Liberal, after the ways of TR and FDR. (Yes, I know many comparisons can be drawn between TR and Trump.)
Hello; These comments are in line with what I think about government efforts to regulate. Some EPA ideas may start out as basically decent notions but by the time the final decrees come out the content is not realistic.
Not that these are the best examples but they sort of fit. Back in 1972 I had a car that got 40+ MPG on the highway. In 1985 I had another car that got over 40 MPG on highway trips. Neither of these cars would be allowed to be built today.
The 1972 was a Porsche 914 with an air cooled engine. The EPA has regulated air cooled engines out of existence for cars.
The other car was a 1985 Honda Civic HF. It even had AC and still was very fuel efficient. Both cars were very light and if built now would be heavier due to the many regulated items being added. My guess being that if we could take those same basic cars and add the fuel efficiency technology available now a days, then we likely would get much better MPG than back decades ago in non hybrid cars.

One more way to look at things. Over the decades passenger cars had to meet more and more stringent regs. Pickup trucks did not so much as there was no practical way to have the haul/tow capacity and such stringent emission and mpg standards. Fast forward a few decades and we find that drivers very often have a all the bells and whistles pickups and pickup like SUV's. The consumer found a way around the restrictive regs on cars because the manufactures started building trucks with all the stuff a passenger car might have. Try this. Go to a dealer and try to find a basic regular cab long bed pickup. Sure there will be a few at the big dealers but not as many as the extended cab styles with so many luxury features. My closest Ford dealer almost never has a regular cab with an 8 foot bed. So many pickups are never used as pickups anymore.
I have/use a 1995 Saturn that has 233k mi and still returns 30mpg, mostly not highway. That can match your Honda or Porsche. Today's cars are far safer, with crumple zones, blanket airbags and roll cages, and even so, the new Ford Fiesta breaks the 40mpg barrier. Yes, the old cars were lighter, and yes it causes massive enviromental damage when a new car is built, but it is not all downhill. (If you would have mentioned the Geo Metro XFI it would have been a different story ;) )
Interesting how you just dismiss it if it contradicts with your beliefs but it's gospel if it agrees with you.

Any examples of how the trade deals aren't fair?

I don't get why you think some one who just was sworn into office a month ago can be credited for economic booms that began during the previous administration. It's like me succeeding someone as CEO of a company and recording goodprofits the next month and crowing about what a great CEO I am.

I don't think most of the ESL students are illegal but here's a supreme court case on it:
"A 5-to-4 majority of the Supreme Court found that this policy [charging tuition to undocumented students] was in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as unauthorized immigrant children are people "in any ordinary sense of the term," and therefore had protection from discrimination unless a substantial state interest could be shown to justify it."
you will not win anyone over like that. If you are strong in your beliefs, and your need to talk other people into adopting them, consider your audiences mindset and try again. I don't think you'll get far with this approach.
I think we are on the brink of another civil war. What's going to make this difficult is unlike the civil war having a north vs south. We are all mixed up.
I hope not. There is also less substance to this fission.
Total b.s right here. What he showed was how dems we're the original racists with fact, names, and dateds. History doesn't like all you have to do is peel the onion back.

Goerge Soros is a mutt. Are you seriously going to defend this guy ? He donated 10
K bto a friend that donated it or something. He totally admitted it was a mistake and there were tons of others that did the same thing and no charges where made against them. You don't think it's odd that he's the one that goes to jail after his Obama movies. Stop man wither your trolling or really drinking the cool aid.

Yes I just read an article where the Germans were freaking out because he was changing our existing deal. Screw them he's our president not theirs.

Trump didn't just get sworn in. And I'm retty sure he did more in the first few months that any president in recent yrs.

So Trump doesn't get credit but then how does oshama get the nobel peace prize not even a yr after being elected. Please explain this to me
I don't think even Obama understands why he got that Nobel Prize.
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
To late for that, I expect there's gonna be a massive war soon, with all the plagues that come with it.
Humans need a few basic things such as water, food,shelter etc, when these things run low humans have two options: sit around and die or fight.

During world war 2 the axis would leave captured prisoners (among them many Jews or people friendly to the allies etc), in railroad cars for weeks or months, passers by would throw in a crust of bread and the prisoners would kill each other over a scrap of bread.

We are at the brink, with one foot on a banana peel,with resources so overstretched anything that upsets the balance can send society tumbling off the edge.

Populations cannot sustain a indefinite upward trend in growth, because our resources aren't indefinite.

For a better idea of what will happen check out revelations, which was written at a time where most of the things described were not known to what we now call science.

Most people do not have the will or skills to survive a large scale catastrophe, therefore most will die.

This sort of event can be triggered by many things such as : political turmoil,lack of ability to get resources such as gasoline (think about it,without gasoline what would you do), rubber (engines don't run well without rubber) or many other essential things we take for granted.

Sorry for the long post
We have the tech to fix these problems if we try. WWII could have been avoided as well, had there only been rescource issues. Petroleum is already on its way out. Solar is here to stay. Aquaponics are beginning to become a viable food source. Space is finally opening up. Windturbines are getting cheaper and better. Geothermal heating and cooling have been available for 90+ yrs. We can still save the Earth. We can't bring back what we lost, but we can't bring back the dinos either. We can still save ourselves and many of our fellow organisms on this planet.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
We have the tech to fix these problems if we try. WWII could have been avoided as well, had there only been rescource issues. Petroleum is already on its way out. Solar is here to stay. Aquaponics are beginning to become a viable food source. Space is finally opening up. Windturbines are getting cheaper and better. Geothermal heating and cooling have been available for 90+ yrs. We can still save the Earth. We can't bring back what we lost, but we can't bring back the dinos either. We can still save ourselves and many of our fellow organisms on this planet.
I'm all for green energy man. I have to agree with you. I feel like we are close but not their yet. It does bother me that we getting better at solor tho. We can put a Robert on Mars and pwoer it with solar we should be able to do the same on Earth lol

You are my absolute favorite LIB btw. Wish more we're like you.