Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
yup, no affiliation, not a franchise, just folks looking up the name and anything that has red hen getting slammed. Allot have started putting disclaimers that they are not in any way shape or form affiliated with the red hen in question.
Hello; Collateral damage I guess. I wonder what the original Red Hen owner who started this debacle is thinking by now and if she would take it back if that were possible. Heard today her place will be closed till sometime in July.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
I think it is because we have accidentally created a culture where it is embarrassing to admit ignorance or stupidity. A Lib faced with a Conservative point that is stronger than whatever he/she can come up with, either begins lying, BSing, or walks out, and a conservative will do the same. This only hurts us as individuals and as a country. If you can cough up the guts to say "I said/did something incorrect/stupid", or "I don't know", you are a superior being at this point.
I agree with this. Nothing wrong with admittingr when someone is right. Good way to learn new things


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
I think it is because we have accidentally created a culture where it is embarrassing to admit ignorance or stupidity. A Lib faced with a Conservative point that is stronger than whatever he/she can come up with, either begins lying, BSing, or walks out, and a conservative will do the same. This only hurts us as individuals and as a country. If you can cough up the guts to say "I said/did something incorrect/stupid", or "I don't know", you are a superior being at this point.
I agree with this. Nothing wrong with admittingr when someone is right. Good way to learn new things


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Not supporting Trump makes a person (me) bad?
Misinformed how?
Hello; A few posts back you seemed to say something along the lines that we perhaps need someone like President Trump in the White House but also that you would not vote for him.

I used an example of a competent surgeon with lousy bedside manners.

You are not the first person who claims to be against Trump who has admitted he is doing some good. Heard it on C-Spans Washington Journal not long ago. Not sure how to best explain what I think is happening but will take a stab at it.
There is a lot of jawing going on and very early on the way Mr. trump expresses himself seems to have caused some folks to decide to be against him. Lots of twisting things that are said and making big verbal mountains out of off the cuff comments. It may be that some who were against him early on are beginning to notice the positive stuff and even to reluctantly like it. Looking at what is getting done and letting the verbiage take a back seat.

Many of these folks cannot yet come out and acknowledge even a minor grudging admiration for some of these positive things. Maybe to themselves secretly but for sure not to their social group, most of whom do not have the intestinal fortitude to re-examine early assumptions. So many who got into the anti-Trump crowd early are not hearing beyond all the static. They likely do not want to tune the static out. Maybe you are different. There have been glimmers of a willingness to look at the unvarnished truth in some of your posts.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
There were a few incidents involving passenger airplanes around the country today....
JFK Airport in New York a plane was surrounded by several law enforcement vehicles for a period of time.No word yet on what the issue was.

A man stripped stripped down to his underwear and tried to board a plane as it sat on the tarmac at an Atlanta airport.

A female veteran who suffers from PTSD flew into a profanity laced tirade on a Spirit Airlines plane and had to be escorted off after it made an emergency landing in Minneapolis.
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J. H.

MFK Member
Oct 14, 2016
Hello; A few posts back you seemed to say something along the lines that we perhaps need someone like President Trump in the White House but also that you would not vote for him.

I used an example of a competent surgeon with lousy bedside manners.

You are not the first person who claims to be against Trump who has admitted he is doing some good. Heard it on C-Spans Washington Journal not long ago. Not sure how to best explain what I think is happening but will take a stab at it.
There is a lot of jawing going on and very early on the way Mr. trump expresses himself seems to have caused some folks to decide to be against him. Lots of twisting things that are said and making big verbal mountains out of off the cuff comments. It may be that some who were against him early on are beginning to notice the positive stuff and even to reluctantly like it. Looking at what is getting done and letting the verbiage take a back seat.

Many of these folks cannot yet come out and acknowledge even a minor grudging admiration for some of these positive things. Maybe to themselves secretly but for sure not to their social group, most of whom do not have the intestinal fortitude to re-examine early assumptions. So many who got into the anti-Trump crowd early are not hearing beyond all the static. They likely do not want to tune the static out. Maybe you are different. There have been glimmers of a willingness to look at the unvarnished truth in some of your posts.
My dislike of D. Trump predates even his attack of Obama's lack of birth certificate. He has fought environmental efforts in NYS and NYC since before I was born. He has fought Bloomberg, who is a hero of mine. When Obama was running against McCain, I was a conservative, because everyone around me was, and I had not yet started my personal journey towards Liberalism, Federalism and whatever other political ideas I now have. (I also know my journey is not yet over, but this is where I stand now.) Even then, I was disgusted by this brash person who thought he was richer than he was, attacking the President over foolishness so openly. I must also admit that some of it is racist - he is white, blond, blue eyed has a German name and German ancestry - not something to endear him to me. Furthermore, his-far-from dignified manner of speech and way of conducting himself makes him go towards the bottom of the list of people I want representing me, or America.

However, his presidency reminds me greatly of one of my favorite presidents - TR. He has shown himself to be competent with Israel, Korea and China. I don't understand what he gained in his Iran deal, and wish he would preserve NAFTA (maybe modify it, but preserve it), and wish he would be more environmentally conscious, but I must admit that he seems to be doing a good job. I do not think Hillary Clinton (who I voted for) could do a good job, but who knows? I must say that I hoped (and expected) Clinton to win NY, but Trump to win the election. (That is what happened)

So I dislike Trump personally, I dislike the States' Rights, isolationism, environmental carelessness, in-fighting and reactionism he has come to stand for, I dislike the way he talks, his lack of dignity.... I couldn't vote for him. However, I must admit that he seems to be doing a good job, and that it is likely that he will go down as a really good president who did a lot of good.

Am I wrong? Maybe. But these are my feelings, if it helps you understand.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
My dislike of D. Trump predates even his attack of Obama's lack of birth certificate. He has fought environmental efforts in NYS and NYC since before I was born. He has fought Bloomberg, who is a hero of mine. When Obama was running against McCain, I was a conservative, because everyone around me was, and I had not yet started my personal journey towards Liberalism, Federalism and whatever other political ideas I now have. (I also know my journey is not yet over, but this is where I stand now.) Even then, I was disgusted by this brash person who thought he was richer than he was, attacking the President over foolishness so openly. I must also admit that some of it is racist - he is white, blond, blue eyed has a German name and German ancestry - not something to endear him to me. Furthermore, his-far-from dignified manner of speech and way of conducting himself makes him go towards the bottom of the list of people I want representing me, or America.

However, his presidency reminds me greatly of one of my favorite presidents - TR. He has shown himself to be competent with Israel, Korea and China. I don't understand what he gained in his Iran deal, and wish he would preserve NAFTA (maybe modify it, but preserve it), and wish he would be more environmentally conscious, but I must admit that he seems to be doing a good job. I do not think Hillary Clinton (who I voted for) could do a good job, but who knows? I must say that I hoped (and expected) Clinton to win NY, but Trump to win the election. (That is what happened)

So I dislike Trump personally, I dislike the States' Rights, isolationism, environmental carelessness, in-fighting and reactionism he has come to stand for, I dislike the way he talks, his lack of dignity.... I couldn't vote for him. However, I must admit that he seems to be doing a good job, and that it is likely that he will go down as a really good president who did a lot of good.

Am I wrong? Maybe. But these are my feelings, if it helps you understand.
Never wrong for how you feel, and I respect you for wording it as such.

When I was younger I leaned a lil more to the left but as I aged things changed.

Churchill said that if your young and not a liberal you don't have a heart. If your old and not a concervative you don't have a brain. Or something like that. Maybe there's some truth to it who knows.

I also grew up in NYC and I remember Trump and sharpton being friends even that bum Don king.

Is a trump a good guy ? Probably not would I want someone like him to marryy daughter hell no but that ends there. He has a job to do and Imo he's doing it better than any president has done in my adult life.

The Iran deal was an absolute horror show. I won't post links or say why but if you look at it from an American view (not a global view) it should have never happened.

You almost have to look at what these guys do and always say how does this benefit me ? Maybe idealistically it doesaybe in a perfect world it all makes sense but does Obama care really help me ? Does an emissions tax help me ? Does saying that your son could have been travon Martin help race relations (regardless of what really happened) does the president of the U.S supporting BLM help my community ?

Either way bro your good in my book, your a well spoken young man who I feel over time can be nudged in the right direction (lol you see what I did there RIGHT wing DIRECTION)
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