Why aren't short tail nurse sharks more popular then nurse sharks?

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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
Bit of a long title I know but I've been curious about this for the longest and havnt been able to find a real answer.
Short tail nurse sharks grow to about 2.5 feet which is MUCH more manageable then a 10+ foot nurse shark, so why are nurse sharks more popular then short tail nurse sharks? Could it be that short tails are harder to find? I'm just so irritated that people continue to buy nurse sharks when there is a suitable substitution that is basically a dwarf nurse shark. Like if there was a dwarf red tail catfish that only grew to 6 inches I guarenteed you that they would become instantly popular (well maybe over a few years but still). Actually that just made me think of something. Could it be that they just aren't well known?
This might be one for DV7's trivia thread?
I never came across that thread, I'll search for it.
It's in the lounge.
That's why, I had searched the saltwater shark and rays section. I'm checking it out now.
I bet if you set up a breeding farm you could make a fair bit of dough, most of the nurse sharks are caught in areas like Florida and outlying regions.
To be honest, I love them just as much as I love horn sharks and just hate the fact that more people can't see their beauty and get them. I do have plans to make a short tail nurse shark breeding set up one day. I wouldn't charge an arm and a let for them though, I'd be humble like wes and charge just enough to cover the costs of them and make a small profit just so I could get them out there so more people could enjoy them! :D
To be honest, I love them just as much as I love horn sharks and just hate the fact that more people can't see their beauty and get them. I do have plans to make a short tail nurse shark breeding set up one day. I wouldn't charge an arm and a let for them though, I'd be humble like wes and charge just enough to cover the costs of them and make a small profit just so I could get them out there so more people could enjoy them! :D
Sounds like a good and humble idea, are you also gonna breed the striped horn sharks?
Well to be honest I don't have any plans to breed striped horn sharks but I do plan to breed normal horn sharks. Other species of horn sharks will be kept but not bred most likely.... maybe the zebra horn. Maybe.
Well to be honest I don't have any plans to breed striped horn sharks but I do plan to breed normal horn sharks. Other species of horn sharks will be kept but not bred most likely.... maybe the zebra horn. Maybe.
More expensive fish can equal better profit margins, for example if you bred Neptune grouper