Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ok, wow. Having a constant water changing schedule is a must. thats what i will have to do.
And I'll have to buy a testing kit. What should i look for when buying a testing kit? And do i have to buy a KIT or are there tools you put place into the tank and they just constantly and automatically tell you what's what.

The Freshwater API aquarium test kit is what I and most members use. You can order the kit online from Amazon. It is fairly accurate and not difficult to use.
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Your water change schedule depends on tank stocking/size of tank/amount of filtration.

A lot of us big fish keepers do multiple water changes per week. If you think about it, in the wild fish get 100% water change every few seconds. So it's our jobs as keepers to give them the best quality water possible.
I do what's called "fin level" water changes every third day. You take the water down to the height of the tallest fish, 80% or so of the water.

Things to get as a beginner fish keeper.

Liquid test kit (not strips)(this needs to be able to test for Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates and PH)
Api sells a master test kit with all of this.
Could also get a water hardness tester.
Some way to change water. Can go two ways a hand pump siphon into 5gal buckets. Or a "Python" a contraption that hooks up to your water faucet to drain and refill your tank.
Depending on your water source a declorinator

Things to get a bit later

A hospital tank
Petco/Petsmart have $1 per gallon sales on tanks. Get a 20gal, couple sponge filters (run them in your main tank to get them seasoned). So if you have an issue with a fish you can seperate if needed to treat.
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Welcome to MFK. In each section and subsection on this site, you will find sticky threads. They will answer lots of questions before you even think of asking them. Read lots of these as they will give you lots of useful and accurate information. I am not new to fishkeeping. However I have realized how little I actually knew about my hobby until I really read and absorbed the info and experience contained on this forum. I didn't even know what I didn't know! I now enjoy my hobby more than I did before, and I already loved fish keeping!!
My advice is to inform yourself and read up.
The members of this forum are quite helpful and courteous.If you haven't noticed, I'm very happy to be here! Thanks everyone.
Welcome to MFK. In each section and subsection on this site, you will find sticky threads. They will answer lots of questions before you even think of asking them. Read lots of these as they will give you lots of useful and accurate information. I am not new to fishkeeping. However I have realized how little I actually knew about my hobby until I really read and absorbed the info and experience contained on this forum. I didn't even know what I didn't know! I now enjoy my hobby more than I did before, and I already loved fish keeping!!
My advice is to inform yourself and read up.
The members of this forum are quite helpful and courteous.If you haven't noticed, I'm very happy to be here! Thanks everyone.

Thank you. and im already experiencing "dont know what i dont know"