I recently bought a 75g setup that came with a nice 30g sump. I'm planning to do a planted tank, stocked with a bichir and probably some combination of rainbowfish, Denison barbs, and/or rainbow cichlids. I've never had one before, so what should go in the sump?
If I understand it correctly, the middle part is really the only place where I can put filter media (tank water overflows to the bottom of the left chamber, return pump is in the right chamber). I'm going to use some regular filter pads (the kind you get in a roll from the LFS) for mechanical filtration over the egg crate material. I was about to order some bio balls and ceramic rings until I read this thread - https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/beginners-guide-to-filter-media.88677/ , which says the bio balls don't work as well when they're completely submerged. I think I'm just going to get a bunch of pot scrubbers (https://www.amazon.com/Round-Nylon-Scrubber-Scouring-Scrub/dp/B0773VZ2P4) instead. Should I still bother with the ceramic rings? Any other suggestions?