I got you. At this point in my life I’m not really settling down I may not keep a single species for more than than 1-3 years. I want to try a couple different Central American species through my college years.so I may be able to keep some of these fish as a young pair in 75 but after a while may move to a single male and sell the female and then if I cant upgrade from a 75 and the male is not showing natural behavior I may sell and buy a new fish. Once I am older and have my own place I plant to buy more tank but right now I only have the time and money for one setup so I will probaly end up switching it up once and while. I think my plan is too grow out a group of young Cubans until I establish a pair and then I will sell the rest and try and breed the pair young in the 75 and once it gets to a point where I feel the tank is too big for the both of them or he starts to turn on her I will sell the female. Thanks a lot Duanes for the help. Are all the fish pictures you post yours? They are always magnificent.I did have pairs of very young grammodes and young Herichthys carpintus each spawn in a separate 75, but after the 3rd spawn of each, when just starting to reach adult size, is when the males killed the females, and ate all fry.
As single fish in the tank, probably any would work, although in that cramped space, normal behavior may be less than what one might expect.