More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Agree with what Matteus Matteus said. And I like the fact you are concerned about their psych welfare as well.
And my own psyche as well, I don't feel like buying more tanks and medications for screwball fish! As they say, stressed fish become sick fish. For all I know this could change again. Brick likely will come out of his 'teenage' nutter and Boss may get crankier as he ages since Parrots tend to 'turn' as they get older.

Opinions on maybe another juvi O about Brick's size?


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
And my own psyche as well, I don't feel like buying more tanks and medications for screwball fish! As they say, stressed fish become sick fish. For all I know this could change again. Brick likely will come out of his 'teenage' nutter and Boss may get crankier as he ages since Parrots tend to 'turn' as they get older.

Opinions on maybe another juvi O about Brick's size?
Another Oscar can be a good tank mate, but my research indicates another red/tiger oscar would be the best option for getting along. Taming your Oscar and actually massaging/stroking the back half of it's body can reduce aggressive behavior and make for a calmer fish. I actually saw a video short of it, but the video was not explanatory or helpful in the technique.
To immediately stop a fight, another suggested technique is to quickly cover tank with a blanket and out the tank lights. Probably start by cuping your hand with food in it and using your other hand to stroke starting with a finger or too, unless you have already progressed beyond that. The video short showed the person using their entire hand to lightly stroke the Oscar.

You already know this-- set up a new area with rocks plants and hideout so the fish has it's own area.
Further research again indicates other tank mates same species or others can diffuse aggression. Banded Leporinis, also Convict cichlid were other suggested tank mates for Oscars or other previously mentioned compatible fish. Or as Deadliestviper7 Deadliestviper7 suggested get Eclipse Catfish other cat to eat left over fish food and Scatphagus that eats fish waste. This would reduce your chores


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Another Oscar can be a good tank mate, but my research indicates another red/tiger oscar would be the best option for getting along. Taming your Oscar and actually massaging/stroking the back half of it's body can reduce aggressive behavior and make for a calmer fish. I actually saw a video short of it, but the video was not explanatory or helpful in the technique.
To immediately stop a fight, another suggested technique is to quickly cover tank with a blanket and out the tank lights. Probably start by cuping your hand with food in it and using your other hand to stroke starting with a finger or too, unless you have already progressed beyond that. The video short showed the person using their entire hand to lightly stroke the Oscar.

You already know this-- set up a new area with rocks plants and hideout so the fish has it's own area.
Further research again indicates other tank mates same species or others can diffuse aggression. Banded Leporinis, also Convict cichlid were other suggested tank mates for Oscars or other previously mentioned compatible fish. Or as Deadliestviper7 Deadliestviper7 suggested get Eclipse Catfish other cat to eat left over fish food and Scatphagus that eats fish waste. This would reduce your chores
I'll see what the LFS has tomorrow...they usually have Oscars. If so I'll pick a tiger with the boldest pattern I see. If they have the other fish mentioned I'll get one of those. A cleanup fish would help for sure, once Brick hit 4 inches he started spitting food. As long as a catfish is over 5 or 6 inches I'll give it a look...seen enough pics of Os with catfish stuffed in their gob.

Fingers crossed I won't end up with two males...
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Hehe, not funny, but the way you put it was funny. I just got the Horseman Cories. A female and a male. The male is considerably smaller than the female. I am going to try to breed them. They are beautiful fish. I was just reading that this particular species will spread their spines and get lodged in the mouth of the fish and then emit a toxin. So I would n't go for this species. Like you said a larger cat that they won't even try to eat.
Synodontis Petricola is a really showy catfish that is 5 inches.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
UPDATE! Got some new friends today.

One green Severum, around 5-6 inches
One Synodontis Catfish, the type with large spots. About 3-4 inches.
One Gold Spot Pleco, about 3 inches

No names everyone in quarantine tanks. No lights on but some hiding spots for comfort. Want them to settle first before putting the lights on. Pics coming soon.

My local FS had some HUGE red severums, from 5-8 inches. All thick. They were a bit too big and intimidating I thought for the others...just so happened two young greenies were available.

They only had long finned Os about Brick's size, the regulars were too small (~ 2 inches).

The pleco started 'croaking' when I held him. Cute!


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Also interesting is that the gold spot plec turned completely gold color with speckles during the ride home (it was evening). He changed back to a black background with gold spots later. Had no idea they could do that. Thinking about adding a geo later and calling it a wrap.

Or another juvie O if I can find one the right size. Everyone has eaten and look fine. Sev is a bit shy but swims around with the light off. Catfish and pleco are funny they've already uprooted one of their 'hide' plants. The plec and catfish drop like a stone when the light is on. I leave it off but turn it on to check for anything.
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Looks like you have some nice variety. Good call on not getting Long Finned variety of Oscar and putting it in with aggressive fish. They can get their fins nipped. Be interesting to see how everyone gets along. I ended up getting the Horseman Cories. Sure are nice looking. And they can be human socialized. They come to front of the tank and sit there and watch you. I may end putting them in with the Albino Cories. Or start their own tank. I will have to do that if I try to breed them. What type of Synodontis Catfish? What are the markings.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Looks like you have some nice variety. Good call on not getting Long Finned variety of Oscar and putting it in with aggressive fish. They can get their fins nipped. Be interesting to see how everyone gets along. I ended up getting the Horseman Cories. Sure are nice looking. And they can be human socialized. They come to front of the tank and sit there and watch you. I may end putting them in with the Albino Cories. Or start their own tank. I will have to do that if I try to breed them. What type of Synodontis Catfish? What are the markings.
They had two types = one with the super high fin, small light brown spots and flatter body and the thicker ones with the large brown dots. I have the thick one, kind of has a body like a giraffe catfish. Get to about a foot.

Now Brick can't stand to be away from Boss. Has to sleep near him and hang close. In the moon light they are completely fine. Regular light they scuffle a bit but nothing serious. Brick is willing to get banged around as long as he can eat. Boss slammed him into the glass and it made no diff, he just kept eating...Also, my Jaeger heaters were going 'hot' which I believe was a factor...discovered temps were at 83 and climbing slowly. Got it steady now at 80. A quality heater but why the hell they get out of callibration is beyond me...I've had them go 3-5 degrees off.

Parrot colored up beautifully at the higher temp, but too much mess going on.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Sounds like teenage siblings. One minute they get along, next minute they are fighting.
One of my heaters wasn't working proper either. I was planting a plant just after getting home. and noticed water was cold. It was like 66 F. As I recall. I had a gotten a pair of Aquaneat (heat?) Can' t tell if is an n or h. The ad doesn't tell the brand but the heaters do-- work great. Last year, two of price of one. On ebay. You can set them temp you want and it actually is clear what the setting is. Price starts at $12 for a pair to $25 a pair depending on wattage. $2. Extra for 2 year replacement policy. I had ordered a second pair recently for a just in case scenario. Rather than mess with finding the correct setting even if it was working on the Marina heater, I just plugged in one of the new ones. Everything is good now. Trick is to find the correct wattage for right size tank. I don't like to high a wattage in case they go haywire and cause electrical problems or overheat tank. Too far under rated wattage can not heat the tank enough or cause the heater to overwork and shorten heater lifespan.
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