More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
The brand name of the heaters is Aquaneat. I had also ordered digital thermometers same brand name. I haven't tried them out yet. And a double set for a good price. CLL Pet Supplies LLC is the supplier on ebay. The heaters work great and like I said you can set them to whatever temp. you want. Two for one great price.
They got here in a week, out of Madison, Wisconsin. I was surprised with all the snow everywhere including here in Washington, how quick they got here. It is snowing here again today--hard. My friend came to visit and walked in the door singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." Funny guy.

Very interesting about the Pleco changing color. Sounds like a beautiful creature. They all do. Seems like they will enhance your work of art aquarium even more. Living, moving art with personalities.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
The pleco changing color in the car was wild...maybe it was the darkness (and my music)! The gold spot is cute as a button...he has a huge 'sucker' for his size, looks funny when he slides down the glass because there's no algae to grip!

Keeping an eye on the cat...he seems normal but I think I see a white speck or two on his body...could be nicks from the crowded tank he was in (piles of fish everywhere). He also has two tiny horizontal scratches. The severum is very skittish and quiet. i placed a plant and ornament for hiding but the fish goes ballistic and has already gotten a small scratch. (sees a net and totally loses it) I may have to remove the hide and add another soft plant.

The severum is completely calm when the lights are off..swims around and dances on the glass.

I have two digital Aqua Heater H7 each on Patch and Kong's tank. They go up to 300 watts but the gallon rating doesn't make sense...I would need 4 or 5 for the big tank. Would look a little wild but you can stick them low to the substrate unlike the tube unplugging during water changes. And the digital preset makes precise increments a snap. The off and on callibration issues of my Jaegers is annoying.

I think Kong is going to be on the upper range of parrot size. He is hulking out and massing up despite me reducing his feedings. He's my Arnold Schwarzenegger parrot!
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Hahaha-- Arnold. Yeah I don't like the automatic heaters. All of mine in use have dials for temps, light indicaters, and one has a built in thermometer. I like the Aquaneats that I got last year and same ones a couple days ago. I especially like being able to set the temp exactly where I want. They are priced great, accurate, and stable. They don't wait for a major temp shift to kick in.

I think probably in their natural habitats most fish experience some temperature fluctuations. Some temp shifts can spark breeding behaviors for some fish. When I do water changes I will have it a degree or 2 off sometimes. The fish seem to enjoy it.

The Severum seems spooked but also sounds very cool. Maybe will settle in a few days. At least they will have something familiar--each other, when they reach their home out of isolation. Also it could make your other buddies less fixated on each other with new personalities to explore, or might make them tighter companions with strangers in the tank. Or both. Maybe do the combining when you have a couple days off so you can observe and safeguard them all, but you might have planned that anyway.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
When I add the new fish I'll feed everyone first then add them at 'night' with the moon light on. The sev keeps changing too, going from dark to light. One minute he looks 'dusty' then the next bright. Boss goes from blood orange to orange with white ish sides and white chin (like a creamsicle parrot). Patch goes from ice pink to bright peach. Kong goes frosty orange at times. I've got mood ring fish...:jaw-dropp


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Ok, pics are up of the new entries. Meet Rex the Syno Catfish, Chip the Green Severum, and BoBo the gold spot Pleco!

First, Rex...he's very active and gets curious when I take pictures. In one shot he's peeping directly at the camera. Around 5-6 inches length.

Rex curious.jpg Rex 3.jpg Rex 4.jpg Rex peeping.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Next is BoBo the gold spot shot is funny, he's actually off the glass but his tail is leaned against the heater. About 3-4 inches. His mouth is huge for his size!

BoBo 1.jpg BoBo off glass.jpg group shot 1.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Here's Chip the Green severum. He is skittish and shy so taking a pic is tricky. The minute I had a good shot he'd turn sideways and hide. Everything looks really blue because of the sand, wall behind the tank and his own natural color. He's already dinged himself and freaks out when he sees a net. I'll be replacing the hide with more soft plants soon. About 5-6 inches.

Chip.jpg Chip 2.jpg Chip hiding.jpg Chip side shot.jpg


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
And lets not forget the stars of the show. Kong, the Terminator Parrot...basically a red devil in a parrots body. Still growing, the size of a big softball. In front of his 8" pot. Don't trust the smile...he'll beat up your fish.

Kong 1.jpg Kong 2.jpg Kong 3.jpg Kong 4.jpg Kong 5.jpg Kong 6.jpg Kong 7.jpg Kong 8.jpg Kong 9.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Boss, the reclusive...having a mild growth spurt. Baseball sized. Temperamental, can be aggressive or shy. Loves to play in the bubblers. Some shots of squabbles with Brick. Brick on the retreat. They go back and forth...

Boss.jpg scuffle 1.jpg scuffle 2.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
The "Queen" known as Patch. She expects you to drop pellets in her mouth. Does a fan dance and is a showoff. Looks sweet and friendly...she beat up everybody and tried to claim the 225 for herself. Kong tried to push her around and got two cut lips and a busted snout. Patch has legit teeth and knows how to use them. Same size as Kong. Hyper territorial.

Patch 2.jpg Patch 3.jpg Patch 5.jpg Patch 6.jpg Patch 7.jpg Patch 8.jpg Patch 9.jpg Patch smile.jpg
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