More tank pics, updated


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
How is your Oscar Brick? I have an Oscar named Big Boy.
He's fine and getty cheeky! Likes to nip at my fingers when getting pellets so I tickle his top fin. He gives me the stink eye but doesn't retreat, lol.

The gash in his side is shrinking, I'll take a pic sometime later. He did something Saturday. At the time it was 'flapping scales'. He's 7 inches (packed on 5 inches since mid December). I haven't measured him recently but he still eats like a complete pig, its pathetic. I try to feed Boss on his side of the tank so Brick races back and forth to grab all the food. He's worse than a baby bass on a lure! Scatters food everywhere then wants to poop of course.

I've seen pics of your Big Boy, nice! Have to say after seeing some huge fully grown Os in the store its hard to believe Brick still has a long way to go! He's pretty much palm sized right now and well over an inch thick. I think his orange pattern is moving towards his head.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
New pics of Brick! One full side shot and pic of his 'war wound' (the white mark). It's healing nicely though. He nicked himself good on Saturday and it was flapping in the water, nearly an inch long. But it sealed up with no meds and is nearly gone now. He's bigger again but I won't bother measuring until March. 7" at last measurement and may be more now, not sure. The orange pattern is moving up but at times he will still go 'dark' on the front half of his body.

Brick 1.jpg Brick 2.jpg Brick 4.jpg Brick 5.jpg
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 16, 2010
Glad Brick is doing well!!! He's GORGEOUS!!! LOVE his colors!!! I have to drop Big Boy's food right in front of him. God forbid he swims to get it!!! So spoiled!!! LOL!!! When I got him he was about 4 inches. He is now a little over 12 inches & about 3 inches wide. That's funny about you getting the stink eye when touching his top fin. I get it from Big Boy also!!! They have the BEST personalities!!! I have so much fun with him!!!


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Glad Brick is doing well!!! He's GORGEOUS!!! LOVE his colors!!! I have to drop Big Boy's food right in front of him. God forbid he swims to get it!!! So spoiled!!! LOL!!! When I got him he was about 4 inches. He is now a little over 12 inches & about 3 inches wide. That's funny about you getting the stink eye when touching his top fin. I get it from Big Boy also!!! They have the BEST personalities!!! I have so much fun with him!!!
Thanks, he reminds me of lava fire from primevial earth! Sounds like your Big Boy is like my "Queen" parrot Patch...she floats at the top and patiently waits for me to drop pellets in her mouth. If I don't she won't get it! She'll cock her eyes as if to say "You expect me to get that?"

Brick is worse than a sloppy puppy. I can't do anything in the tank without him poking at the equipment, getting in the way, or following me across the tank. Or he swims between my arms and hands. I put the pond pump in to drain, he has to investigate. If I siphon the bottom he pokes at the tube. It's hopeless. The only thing that makes him take off is the net (then he explodes a cloud of turds). I put in a new plant, he spooks and goes sideways. If I take too many pictures he starts standing on end with an 'eye' in my direction. On and on. But he's such a joy. The fishroom is at an angle so everytime he sees me flash by he zips across the tank.

Down to two feedings a day for my sanity. As they say, in one end...he will still polish off 10-15 medium pellets a pop. But he's so active exploring (and starting fights with Boss the Parrot) he burns it off. He doesn't like open areas but will go 'stealth' between and under the plants. Shaded overhang he likes.

Sounds like your Big Boy might weigh 2-3 pounds! What size tank is he in?
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jun 16, 2010
I remember in the beginning I use to put everything back the way I had it in the tank after Big Boy moved it. Did I get the evil eye!!! OMG!!!! I don't do it anymore now!!! He's a really good decorator. LOL!!!! When I do water changes he is ALWAYS checking everything out!!! It's so funny!!! I feed him twice a day. I think it's good to break up the feeding's. I would think Big Boy does weigh about 2 to 3 lbs. I have him in a 125 by himself. I don't think he would play nice nice with anyone!!!! LOL!!!!
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
A pic of Kong pushing his large marimo ball again, smashing it flat. He stopped the minute I started to take pictures but I was able to get this one, lol.

Kong Fun.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
A couple of pics of Patch, nothing earth shattering. She is recovering and losing ich spots every day. She's eating some and exploring her tank again to some degree. A bit thin (for her, anyway!) I'd say she's around 60 percent. She moves around more at night under the moon light. Her fins are pale right now (red color is gone) but I expect that. She pushed the largest marimo ball into her 'house.' If you look carefully you can still see a few spots on her, more her fins. Also visible are the red areas of irritation. She has a spot on each side but her light color makes it hard to see sometimes. She has bursts of energy before resting again. She loves her new larger hutch and goes inside and lays on the ball. On day 4 of treatment.

Patch Recovering 1.jpg Patch Recovering 2.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Funny note on Patch...she may be sick put she was pissed enough to attack and bite the siphon hose! Ich or not, nobody messes with her apartment!
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Guys, this is messed up...since I took the earlier pics Patch has erupted in more ich on her front fins and left this common as the ich goes through its life cycles? I'm worried now.