More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I am glad the new ones aren't problems. You deserve some of that good coming your way after all the problems.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
No, I think once everyone settled in they figured out the 'food chain'. But it will likely change as time goes on. Chip showed flashes of passive aggression to Boss. It didn't work but it let me know he'll stand up for himself as time goes on and he matures (they say Severums are like this, peaceful but don't take any junk). Boss will get larger over time too and probably more cranky since BPs do that as they age. Rex is kinda carefree.

Brick's pattern has intensified as he's grown. Sometimes Os wash out and get duller, but I've seen gorgeous huge tigers. I think food and enviroment affect their mood and color a lot. The orange is continuing to spread out toward his fin tips and up his head. Would be something if he eventually ended up all orange like a chili pepper!

Was kind of funny, today one of my aunts came with another one of my cousins. Brick didn't like her and refused to come forward. He slid backwards and gave her the stink eye. Now her sister he was fine with!

My cousin said Patchs' color reminds her of when you cook salmon too long, lol.

I've got some Dainichi pellets but they don't soak too well and the fish aren't that crazy about them. I'll try again. I think if I can get them to soak they'll eat them. I got the Spirulina and Krill color Supreme variety.

Evenutally I'll do a Brick "then and now." side by side pics. That's for later, though. I'm excited about his max potential, whatever that is. He's off to a good start.
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Sorry I didn't see your post alert. Yes, I have read that about Severums, that they are good tank mates for certain aggressive fish. That they are generally peaceful but do not take any guff. I have been thinking about getting one for my aggressive Golden Lab Cichlid but he is large and our LFS stopped carrying cichlids. Our local Petco will order fish for me, but they and I don't know what they will send.

Our Petsmart does carry baby cichlids. I can call them and see if they have Severums and what type they have in stock. I could put it in with my smaller golden lab and let them grow together.

What? Brick is turning into a Red Hot Chili Pepper? That is just rockin! But I heard they take their clothes at their concerts. Better put a sock on it. Some people might get upset. (Not me, I'm a liberated kind of guy.). But hey, I thought it was you that said no fish porno when I was thinking of posting pictures of my Siamese Fighting Fish beautifully mating. (I haven't) :).
That is interesting that Brick liked one of your relatives over the other. Did one of them have big hair or brightly colored, shiny clothing, or something that might have intimidated him? Did she get very close to the glass and he didn't recognize her as you.:WHOA: < Her (Not you)as seen by him through glass and fish eyes as she gets closer--not to say she is that unattractive in human perspective. They might see a human face as a really large fish looking at them. Try yawning and baring your teeth at him when he is bad. But that might put him off you. I did that once unknowingly and my big cichlid (7inches) turned tail, disappeared, and cowered in his cave. This was at feeding time too. What a chicken s**t. Not saying every fish will react that way, but mine did.

Dainichi, are they just for BP, or cichlids? Spirulina and krill is good for any fish. Sometimes if that is all you have to offer and they get hungry they will go for it. My preferred method is to keep trying it alternating with their regular stuff. Usually works. But some things they don't like. I have a rock hard brand that won't soften either and are too big for the fish to eat whole. They wouldn't touch it broken up either and I don't feel comfortable giving it to them with jagged edges. Company was nice enough to replace it with something else that works better. You might try contacting the company and have them try a different product. Have the company rep try soaking one of their different entrees while you are on the phone. My rep was nice enough to do that. I find the Tetra Zucchini and Seaweed Wafers much tastier and softer. Oh and the fish like it too.

I have read that Flowerhorns get cranky with age. As you probably know, they are another cichlid hybrid. I didn't know BP British Petroleum I mean Blood Parrots do too. Every time I see that abbreviation I think of that company.

You are doing so great on Brick's training and tricks. I have read, that enriches their lives and creates a bond between you.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Sorry I didn't see your post alert. Yes, I have read that about Severums, that they are good tank mates for certain aggressive fish. That they are generally peaceful but do not take any guff. I have been thinking about getting one for my aggressive Golden Lab Cichlid but he is large and our LFS stopped carrying cichlids. Our local Petco will order fish for me, but they and I don't know what they will send.

Our Petsmart does carry baby cichlids. I can call them and see if they have Severums and what type they have in stock. I could put it in with my smaller golden lab and let them grow together.

What? Brick is turning into a Red Hot Chili Pepper? That is just rockin! But I heard they take their clothes at their concerts. Better put a sock on it. Some people might get upset. (Not me, I'm a liberated kind of guy.). But hey, I thought it was you that said no fish porno when I was thinking of posting pictures of my Siamese Fighting Fish beautifully mating. (I haven't) :).
That is interesting that Brick liked one of your relatives over the other. Did one of them have big hair or brightly colored, shiny clothing, or something that might have intimidated him? Did she get very close to the glass and he didn't recognize her as you.:WHOA: < Her (Not you)as seen by him through glass and fish eyes as she gets closer--not to say she is that unattractive in human perspective. They might see a human face as a really large fish looking at them. Try yawning and baring your teeth at him when he is bad. But that might put him off you. I did that once unknowingly and my big cichlid (7inches) turned tail, disappeared, and cowered in his cave. This was at feeding time too. What a chicken s**t. Not saying every fish will react that way, but mine did.

Dainichi, are they just for BP, or cichlids? Spirulina and krill is good for any fish. Sometimes if that is all you have to offer and they get hungry they will go for it. My preferred method is to keep trying it alternating with their regular stuff. Usually works. But some things they don't like. I have a rock hard brand that won't soften either and are too big for the fish to eat whole. They wouldn't touch it broken up either and I don't feel comfortable giving it to them with jagged edges. Company was nice enough to replace it with something else that works better. You might try contacting the company and have them try a different product. Have the company rep try soaking one of their different entrees while you are on the phone. My rep was nice enough to do that. I find the Tetra Zucchini and Seaweed Wafers much tastier and softer. Oh and the fish like it too.

I have read that Flowerhorns get cranky with age. As you probably know, they are another cichlid hybrid. I didn't know BP British Petroleum I mean Blood Parrots do too. Every time I see that abbreviation I think of that company.

You are doing so great on Brick's training and tricks. I have read, that enriches their lives and creates a bond between you.
I posted up about the modoka white lip 'em. Was thinking about getting a 'topper' fish to round out the group. Only thing is, nobody has any larger than 3 inches. I ain' t paying 80 bucks for an O snack. Will keep looking.

The cousin that Brick likes is the sister that kind of resembles me. I tried to get him to come up to my other cousin (other sister) and nope, he wouldn't do it. Just gave a sideways eye and drifted on his tail backwards. If he chases a fish he'll stop when he sees me and races back in my direction. If I pet him he chases the other fish away (usually Chip) then comes back for more (spoiled rotten). He'll also come up when my mom is in the room. One of my other aunts he's neutral to but doesn't retreat. He seemed to like my uncle who was wearing a textured cap.

Used to be Brick and Boss would stare at me if I wore red. But I kept giving them treats so now they don't care about the red. My other two parrots don't care if you wear neon polka dots and striped pants. No effect at all.

I make faces at Brick all the time. He just looks innocent like "who, me?" Just about nothing fazes the big goof. Everytime I work in the tank he comes up and cocks his eyes. So I say "no biting." and give him a pat. No biting. He will bite equipment though and bangs the glass lid. I can hear it in the next room. Lately he bites the pond pump when I do a water change. Then he bites the python hose and green hook. Patch also bangs her glass lid sometimes. Kong bangs the glass top when he's pissed at me cleaning.

Something new Brick does now that he's gotten pretty big and heavy. He likes to snooze on the bottom under the lights. At night he still sleeps in his area under the pothos or disappears along the back wall behind the plants. I saw him today just sitting on the bottom with his fins fully extended like a sunken ship. Waved his tail then swam up!

The orange thing is noticeable. He's even getting more orange on his chin. I can easily compare earlier photos. I'd say once he hit 7 inches the orange really started taking over. Hot tamale Oscar.

The cousin that Brick didn't like Patch actually liked. My cousin said Patchs' color reminded her of salmon cooked too long! She liked Kong, too. He followed her along the glass. My aunt stared at Brick yelling "Is that the little fish you had? He's gotten BIG!"

Boss has pretty much picked the second pot now. Its totally obscured in the 'jungle' and tough for Brick to try any of his tricks. Boss also likes his tree hangout that he peeps and looks out for me when I have food. Or he just views everything.

Brick still takes a random shot at Rex off and on. I think he knows he can't catch Chip but he likes trying to show he's boss and lurches at him. Chip takes off and circles back in a big loop. Funny stuff. He'll disappear in the plants at one end then pop out somewhere else. Brick has no clue where Chip's gone when he does that.

Boss and Brick still have random 'clash of the titans' moments. Strength of the BP is amazing. Brick is really massive now and it makes no difference. Boss overpowers him and drives him back. He's a super thick muscular parrot that lip locks like a pit bull. Boss will retreat out in the open because Brick constantly kept trying to bite his belly and sides (never worked). But in close no contest. Brick moves away with his big gob hanging open.

Have to say having an O is an experience. Everything I heard and read is absolutely true! Still amazes me Brick's awareness and smarts. The parrots are the same way except they don't care about being petted (I can tickle their fins though). Chip is curious but too skittish. Sometimes he watches me like he's trying to decide trust. He'll swim up close but is quick to take off too. Rex is playful but I haven't worked with him much yet.

Still amazed at this growth rate which is constant no matter how I feed. Will be interesting to see how long it takes for Brick to hit a foot.
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I will have to look up the modoka cichlid. It sounds like a tasty Russian cocktail.

That is great about your fish among your relatives.

I had a serious laugh about Brick chasing Chip into the jungle and Chip popping out of another hole and Brick not having a

My senegals have taken to laying across my plants since the Penny Wort has spread like miniature water lilies. Since my photos don't align with this format I will send them to your email.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Edit: Brick chasing Chip and Chip popping out of different hole like a gopher and preening his whiskers while Brick is waiting at the same hole like a I don't get it dog is hilarious. As for Rex, just so much you can do.

As for training or taming Rex, just so much a person can do, and you have done a lot. I am not sure Synodontis Cats are all that tamable. My Synodontis lucipinnis seems happy, content and busy, but a little skittish when it comes to human contact but I haven't tried to tame mine. His territory seems to be in back mostly in back, in the less accessible reaches since the loaches and other catfish have taken over the front. I drop food in the back for him but that is about the most contact I manage as far as accessibility.

But if Synodontis Catfish are tameable and even if they aren't, you would be the person who probably might be able to do it. You go lion tamer.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Edit: Brick chasing Chip and Chip popping out of different hole like a gopher and preening his whiskers while Brick is waiting at the same hole like a I don't get it dog is hilarious. As for Rex, just so much you can do.

As for training or taming Rex, just so much a person can do, and you have done a lot. I am not sure Synodontis Cats are all that tamable. My Synodontis lucipinnis seems happy, content and busy, but a little skittish when it comes to human contact but I haven't tried to tame mine. His territory seems to be in back mostly in back, in the less accessible reaches since the loaches and other catfish have taken over the front. I drop food in the back for him but that is about the most contact I manage as far as accessibility.

But if Synodontis Catfish are tameable and even if they aren't, you would be the person who probably might be able to do it. You go lion tamer.
Yeah, Chip is definitely the roadrunner!

I have a couple of ideas about working with Rex. Catfish love stinky stuff. So I'm going to see how comfortable he is around my fingers when I soak them in garlic.

Welp, the dainichi pellets were a flop...the fish mouthed them, halfway ate some and were done. They may be ultra food but my crew could care less. So the pellets are getting donated. Stuff's not cheap by any means. Plus they are sinking pellets and those don't soak that well or swell up. My fish like pellets they can slurp up like jello. Kong and Patch were like "what, potato chips now?"

This morning was funny. I went to give everyone breakfast and got a weird reaction. Why? Because I was wearing a lime green cowl over my teal sweater. Everyone came up to eat then stopped and stared. Boss drifted to his pot. Chip swam away. Rex hid. Brick gave me the stink eye and sank like a stone to the bottom. He set on the sand like a beached whale. So first it was red, now bright green. Crazy fish.

So having to get to work I didn't have time fo clearing out extra pellets. I figured they would eat some. Got back later and sure enough they picked at them but that's all. Brick decided to leave his tokens around which I didn't appreciate. At least he generally goes in one area but its a small favor.

Chip managed to get himself a nice scratch sometime last night. Vertical, about half an inch long. It's healing already. In fact he was the only one that seemed to like the other pellets. Rex swims upside down against the surface at night.
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MFK Member
Dec 24, 2018
Wow, the growth rate on Brick is unbelievable! He is holding the color great. What a nice Oscar! I would have to agree that diet plays an important role to their color. Reminds me of my early years. Back in the early 70’s, we fed them a chunk of frozen brine mix and occasionally krill if we could afford it to get the colors popping. I still remember my mom having a fit finding that stinky opened 4” x 6” x 1” thick frozen mix running out when the freezer part of the fridge was defrosting. Lol! Man I caught hell for that!
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