More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Nice photos and cool improvements. I remember where I heard the word 'wooby' before besides you using it. Friends I had when I was teenagers, different members of the entire family would use it in reference to their dog's cosy favorite blanket. " He loves his wooby." Their usage was a little different than yours.
" Do your fish puppies like their new woobies?"

I wonder what culture that descended from. My friends were of English and Irish descent going back I don't remember how many generations.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Nice photos and cool improvements. I remember where I heard the word 'wooby' before besides you using it. Friends I had when I was teenagers, different members of the entire family would use it in reference to their dog's cosy favorite blanket. " He loves his wooby." Their usage was a little different than yours.
" Do your fish puppies like their new woobies?"

I wonder what culture that descended from. My friends were of English and Irish descent going back I don't remember how many generations.
Wow, I called myself just making up a silly word! Didn't know it really existed. It came to me while I patted / tickled my spoiled O. Guess some things are universal after all.

Chip is thickening up nicely. Rex is thickening up not so nicely! Pic of fatso soon.

Have started using phosguard with positive results.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Chip is starting to show his Severum personality. He took another cheap shot at my O Brick while he was occupied with Boss (BP). It wasn't even a major scuffle but Chip tried to take advantage. He shot across the tank and popped Brick in the side. I've seen him do this several times recently. Could be 'payback' because the O runs him around according to mood.

Brick wasn't too impressed and returned the favor a minute later, chasing Chip away. Chip can share space with Boss but won't mess with him. Boss is a bit much for him to handle.

I think I may have another character on my hands. Chip's beginning to thicken and grow. He's also more aggressive eating and will snatch pellets from the top next to Brick (still quick to run though).


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I seem to remember reading that Severums can hold their own with Os, therefore made 'perhaps' suitable tank mates. We know any pairing with an aggressive fish has to observed. They are all individuals. There may yet be peace. The cichlids are intelligent, and it may be possible that the recent bullying by Brick may still be fresh. It may be happening also when you are at work.

I think it is cool that Boss and Chip have formed an alliance of sorts. The way my set up is now, all the aggressive fish are in tanks with calm fish that can hold their own or are in tanks by themselves because of their super aggression to any tankmate tried so far. I might try pairing the Yo-yo loaches with each of 2 of my most aggressive cichlids. They seem to hold there own standing up to a somewhat aggressive, very large angelfish. I can't be there though to watch them every moment with the very large cichlids. The Yo-yos are very fast and a slither in cave entrance would help, but I would want them to have some quality of life.

With your community tank I wonder if another fish like you were thinking about might be yet another distraction (good) . I found in some cases the tried and true bigger crowd is better for aggression diversion, but not always.

I am sorry I forgot why you got the phosguard. Phosphate spike because? I checked back a way back on the thread, but couldn't find the pertinent post.
The presoak and refrigerate method I have been doing recently too, before knowledge of you doing it. I have some new Tetra Veggie Wafers that are a little hard and won't dissovle quickly, but better than their previous stuff which was like fossilized dinosaur dung. I soak, drain and refrigerate and the fish still readily eat it after a day or so. Before the soak they wouldn't and couldn't eat it.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
I seem to remember reading that Severums can hold their own with Os, therefore made 'perhaps' suitable tank mates. We know any pairing with an aggressive fish has to observed. They are all individuals. There may yet be peace. The cichlids are intelligent, and it may be possible that the recent bullying by Brick may still be fresh. It may be happening also when you are at work.

I think it is cool that Boss and Chip have formed an alliance of sorts. The way my set up is now, all the aggressive fish are in tanks with calm fish that can hold their own or are in tanks by themselves because of their super aggression to any tankmate tried so far. I might try pairing the Yo-yo loaches with each of 2 of my most aggressive cichlids. They seem to hold there own standing up to a somewhat aggressive, very large angelfish. I can't be there though to watch them every moment with the very large cichlids. The Yo-yos are very fast and a slither in cave entrance would help, but I would want them to have some quality of life.

With your community tank I wonder if another fish like you were thinking about might be yet another distraction (good) . I found in some cases the tried and true bigger crowd is better for aggression diversion, but not always.

I am sorry I forgot why you got the phosguard. Phosphate spike because? I checked back a way back on the thread, but couldn't find the pertinent post.
The presoak and refrigerate method I have been doing recently too, before knowledge of you doing it. I have some new Tetra Veggie Wafers that are a little hard and won't dissovle quickly, but better than their previous stuff which was like fossilized dinosaur dung. I soak, drain and refrigerate and the fish still readily eat it after a day or so. Before the soak they wouldn't and couldn't eat it.
I'm thinking of maybe a chocolate cichlid, or even another bp. Still going over the "last piece" fish. Brick is turning into a "benevolent dictator". He knows he's the biggest fish in the tank (and still going, good grief). He'll basically relax/play in his area, then roam the tank to 'remind' everyone. Chip gets most of it since Boss now stays in his area but comes out to eat. So Brick will randomly go at Chip. Chip darts away but comes right back or circles around. A couple of times I've seen him following the O like he might make a move. Or he seems at times to try and 'buddy up' its hard to tell. At times they sleep together.

Brick isn't a vicious or mean O, but he has his ugly moments and likes being a bully. He actually plays more recently, enjoying the filter intakes, bubblers, and waterfall. He never did this when he was small. He pretty much ignores Rex at this point. Still likes his head pats and body tickles.

As far as the other fish go, it's all about Brick's mood. Generally tolerant. However, he still is cautious around Boss' area. What makes it bizarre is that Boss darts from him now in open water unless they're eating. But if they fight he still owns the O and runs him off...nothing about those two makes sense to me. Rex is starting to put on size...he hides a lot more now with so many places to explore. But at times he comes out and skitters everywhere. He eats so much he can't make it to the top. Pretty funny watching him waggle and strain, it takes three tries before he can make it to the surface. Then he sinks like a stone. Chip is notably growing too, which is good. He'll need all the weight he can get if he plans to take on Brick. Right now he just bounces off a battleship. Battleship is currently undefeated vs Severum.

So the rundown goes like this:

Rex (Syno) is cool with everyone. He and Chip (Sev) squabble a bit , but it's minimal. Swims under the others at times and annoys them. Wisely takes off when he sees the O's gob up close. Boss chases him away at times.

Chip (Sev) is intimidated by Boss (BP) and fearless with Brick (O). Makes futile attempts at the O off and on. Flees defensively but doesn't panic. Tried to take on the BP once and got pasted. They are pretty neutral until the BP tires of company.

Boss (BP) is still my most unpredictable and "kooky" BP. Always been the most reclusive parrot. Overpowers Brick (O) in the corner one minute then runs from him the next. Is there a parrot shrink in the house? Now that he has his space he's content to hang there 85-90 percent of the time. He's really a loner but seems to be okay with Chip now as long as the severum makes no aggressive moves.

Had an annoying brown algae 'war' that showed no signs of stopping. It started about 2 months ago. Nothing I tried kept it controlled at all (w/c, cleaning, reduced light). Then I got outbreaks in the 40s as well. I'll be posting up a thread about what I've done that really seemed to get the "brownouts" under control. Phosguard helped get the process started. According to the directions it takes about four days to see results. I used it after a large w/c and cleanout and saw a difference in two. One thing I noticed was that once I got the first brown 'bloom' they would recur ever 2-4 days, especially in the 40s.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Well that's cool that Brick is becoming a benevolent ruler. I checked out the chocolate cichlid. Interesting fish. Can be tamed, and has a placid personality.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Well that's cool that Brick is becoming a benevolent ruler. I checked out the chocolate cichlid. Interesting fish. Can be tamed, and has a placid personality.
He's a character. I've tweaked the tank yet again, making different cozy spots and opening up others. Chip especially loves it since he's not territorial. He boldy goes into Brick's areas even when chased. Today he nearly pecked at Brick's tail then wisely backed off. Brick went after him for trying and Chip was gone like a shot. Gotta love his spunk but a pop gun won't take out an M-16.

Boss will briefly check out the changes then disappear back into the green. Since his original pot is not being used now and Rex no longer has interest, I'm debating whether to remove it or leave it for a potential newcomer.

There's a second vine now making a bridge from Brick's area. (pic coming soon) I removed a plant near that spot and placed it in the "grove". Brick stays entertained all day sliding between plants, under bushes, along the back wall and under the vine bridges like tunnels. Chip explores as well. Boss stays chill in the "jungle" and peeps at everything. I'm always seeing an eye in the green. I also removed some small plants in the front corner and moved the others into a wedge shaped area along the front, giving Chip another area to "tuck away."

Brick does get a little skittish going close to Boss' area which is why the vine bridge makes a nice tunnel for him to go above Boss and cruise to the other side. He can also go along the front. The tank looks crowded but it isn't really. The depth allows plenty of swimming space in front of and behind the plants, plus openings everywhere to go through. Each side has a wide open space but with some overhang. Everyone has preferred space and can 'nest' hidden if they so choose. When I had completely open area up top all the fish refused to use it, so addition by addition worked here. Basically added 1/3 of the tank back for territory.

I moved the corner filters back into place. Brick keeps shoving them out to get at pellets that tumble in the corners. He has another new game, "catch every pellet in the water current". He makes these loud smacking sounds at the surface. Looks like a big fat kid racing after candy. :nilly:
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MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Hahaha, what a character he is. I think it is great that you have areas for everyone. And the pathways and clearings sound cool. My newest tank with wisteria and centella, (pennywort, --look similar to miniature water lilies) and other plants are filling out, adding more character to the tank. This and my other tanks have ridges, caves and tunnels to give refuge but also exploration and privacy for the fish. I also have open spaces for free swim.
I hardly ever see my Synodontis Catfish because they like to hang mostly on the other side of the ' mountains'. Once they are big enough to be moved into the big fish tank they will be more visible.

Yeah it's fun to aquascape. To watch your original design fill in and then do redesigns. Your tank was always nice looking, but I like the way it has filled in to a kind of 'Avatar' (in your own style) jungle. Sounds like the fish are enjoying it.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
You must get a kick out of watching Chip's and Brick's antics. Maybe laugh out loud sometimes? I get a kick out of your description of there chases and aborted sabotages. Keystone Cops or what. Sounds like Chip's come into his own and almost seems to delight in his mischief like an imp.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Hahaha, what a character he is. I think it is great that you have areas for everyone. And the pathways and clearings sound cool. My newest tank with wisteria and centella, (pennywort, --look similar to miniature water lilies) and other plants are filling out, adding more character to the tank. This and my other tanks have ridges, caves and tunnels to give refuge but also exploration and privacy for the fish. I also have open spaces for free swim.
I hardly ever see my Synodontis Catfish because they like to hang mostly on the other side of the ' mountains'. Once they are big enough to be moved into the big fish tank they will be more visible.

Yeah it's fun to aquascape. To watch your original design fill in and then do redesigns. Your tank was always nice looking, but I like the way it has filled in to a kind of 'Avatar' (in your own style) jungle. Sounds like the fish are enjoying it.
It is fun. I like seeing my fish relaxed and happy in their environment. Looking at my tank now compared to the beginning of this thread, there's no comparison. No way would I leave things that open now. The fish dictate what direction I take. 1. The O isn't going to shrink. 2. The BP is still half devil. 3. The Sev thinks he's equal in a fight to the other two. 4. The Syno doesn't give a rat's ass.

Answers are:
1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes

Any changes to the tank are immediately investigated by Brick. But the vine bridges were a hit. Later he swam underneath one and snoozed overnight.