More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Cool. Yeah, you bring up good point. A person can tell if the fish are just exsisting or actually enjoying their environment. Some people like their tanks more austere, which is fine for them. I like to make my fish as comfortable as possible. I notice that some of my fish as well as liking to explore, some like to rest on supportive plant surfaces like the lillies and water wisteria, so I am going to put more of those plants in my other tanks.

I like that you are letting the fish dictate where the tank changes go. It is their home. I am always trying to improve their lives too. Adding more plants, additional filters, more food variety, treats, more shelters. It's fun for me and satisfying.

Yeah my fish, like your Brick, own my improvements pretty quick. The Marina caves were quickly occupied and the Chollo wood tunnels as well.

Are you liking having a cleaner catfish in your tank? I like mine a lot, they really help in keeping the tank floor cleaner.
You must get a kick out of watching Chip's and Brick's antics. Maybe laugh out loud sometimes? I get a kick out of your description of there chases and aborted sabotages. Keystone Cops or what. Sounds like Chip's come into his own and almost seems to delight in his mischief like an imp.

Chip trying to act tough with an Oscar 7-10x his mass is enough to make anyone laugh! The Syno is amazing how much he will eat from below.
Sorry, I didn't hear your notification. Chip has got some guts. Many catfish species are pretty nonstop in their gleaning. I am glad the new characters are working out and providing some comic relief too. Sounds like you did some good picks.
My Synodontis Lucipinnis are always busy. Habrosis Cories, Albino Cories are also nonstop. The Horseman Cories are pretty much stationary, but I don't care, I have enough busy catfish. The Yo-yo and Zebra loaches are pretty nonstop cleaners too. I have a great cleaning crew.
Another floor dweller would work but I've heard conflicting info on keeping two synos. Really like the ones with those white edge fins (I forget the variant name).

I love corys but my O might love them even more!