More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Sep 19, 2018
Thanks , the tank is an ongoing metamorphasis.

The Pothos survives long term underwater, I have a thread called "Pothos In your tank Easy Peasy" that explains how to condition it submerged. A couple of things to know.

The roots have to establish well for them to survive in the water. I used ammonia during cycling to let them feed off that. Takes about 2 weeks to show roots. Over time some stem sections will get 'weak' or turn pale. Snip 'em off and it will help strengthen the new shoots. Shoots that grow completely submerged tend to be 'crisp' and easier to snap. Periodically a weak leaf will discolor or split, getting holes. Just snip it off. The roots on mine are everywhere. I just let them tangle on stuff and leave it be.

If you get algae just wipe the leaves off. Check out the other thread for details. Pothos is a low light plant. I actually have both the ivory and golden pothos in the main tank. In my 40s I have pieces that have completely transitioned to all water. The leaves are small, round and compact and the shoots dense in a clump.

You can always just toss in some new Pothos periodically. Rinse and serve. Make sure it has lots of good roots and you'll be fine.
Oh thank you so much for that and the link. I'll be sure to read your pothos thread. I'm definitely giving this a go in one of my tanks.
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
The idiocy continues. Apparently my 'slight reset' of free lanes and open space has started turf wars. Last night everybody was fighting everybody.

Brick vs everybody
Boss vs everybody
Chip vs Brick
Rex vs Boss

So Boss and Rex got the party started. I had placed the tank in moonlight mode and saw jerking around. So for a full minute there was a high speed fight between the Syno and BP. I should mention I've noticed Rex does swim underneath fish at times and annoys them. And I also just found out that Synos like to touch fish with their barbels. Well apparently Boss had enough and snapped. Previous Chip and Rex would scuffle for the same reason.

My O sees this and decides to join in. Then Chip creeps up for an opportunity and tries to nip Brick on the tail. Brick intially breaks up the fight between Rex and Boss (Rex took off) then went after Boss. Chip follows like a shot. Brick tries to bite Boss in an awkward attempt. Boss sees it coming, drops low to the sand between plants and starts flashing his fins. Brick lays on top of him but doesn't have enough room to turn and bite. So he climbs off of Boss and swims away. Boss immediately goes looking for Chip (who is creeping up behind Boss) and pops him, sending the Severum shooting away. Rex has finally had enough and swims a bit awkwardly, so I watch for injuries (none that I see). An hour later all 4 fish were sleeping near each other with no problem. :duh:

Then the scuffling continued today because Boss is claiming his original grove again, which is where Brick has been hanging out. It goes back and forth. First one runs, then the other. Then Brick looked for every space to do an end around ambush of Boss. So I stuffed another plant in that access lane. I finally gave Brick a good tap on the nose.

Rex is keeping to himself again. Chip the same place he was before. A pissed off pinball. And Boss is nestled in his pot. A somber Brick is on his side and cruising slowly. I should to test the water for meth, not nitrates. :y220d:

As always, pics for spice.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
So the next day during fight number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 between these two, Brick (O) goes out of his way to start a fight because he now hangs out in the area Boss (BP) wants back! It's as pointless as the other fights. In the second pic Brick has his big gob wide in the default "Oscar open mouth scary" mode.

Brick n Boss 1.jpg

Brick n Boss 2.jpg
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Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Everyone seems to have settled down again (until the next round). I've accepted the fact that the Brick/Boss deal is going to be an ongoing thing. Chip (Sev) continues to grow more bold, refusing to stay away after being chased off by Brick (O). He's starting to come up like he wants a pat or pellet by hand but Brick chases him away.

Interesting note, my Severum has been spied eating the Pothos vine. I''ll see him chewing off a loose end. Brick has grabbed a leaf occasionally but he spits it out (probably doesn't like the taste).

Now that Boss (BP) has his larger area he's become more reclusive again. He won't stay out long to eat and darts back if Brick moves his way. But he eats a lot. This kind of comes and goes. There's now a tunnel through the grove that somebody pushed out. Well Brick decided to stick his head in there one day and got pecked by the BP. Brick will pretty much swim where he wants but the tunnel leading to Boss' area he avoids.

Wednesday will be Brick's next measurement. It's been a fast month.

I've also purchased some new led strip lights for the BP tanks, much better quality than the last. The remotes can be used from another room or through walls, you don't have to 'point' them at the receiver. More on that later.

I've made Brick's area wide open but he doesn't like that too much. I may get a small piece of driftwood and strategically angle it so he can rest behind it without losing floor space.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
The next round happened today after minor skirmishes. I made another tweak to the main tank, basically 'centralizing' the heaviest cover while leaving things open on both ends. This was because my O found a way to ambush the BP from behind some of the plants. So that access is now cut off.

Did a 65% w/c tonight and had a front row seat. Chip (Sev) follows Brick (O) around and refuses to stay away even when chased. Boss (BP) hangs in his grove or disappears into the jungle along the back wall where his pot is. Brick tries to force himself into the plants...ding ding...Boss shoots out like an orange cannonball. They lock up. I continue to be amazed at how Boss overpowers Brick head to head. Chip stays out of it this time but poor Rex (Syno) gets caught in the middle. Boss goes after him in close but Rex is gone in a flash. So Brick squares up again (one fight is never enough) and its the same...he barely nudges Boss back then gets completely banged back himself. So he slides off with his tail low.

So Brick is now pissy. Rex comes out briefly on the O's side of the tank. Brick charges Rex and gives him a good pop with that maw. I'm monitoring the situation with Rex. He's getting constant nicks, cuts, and scrapes now. He's a tough fish, but either someone is attacking him or he's scraping himself on stuff trying to get away. He eats well (looks like a sausage) and has plenty of hiding places but these constant injuries could be a flag, we'll see. Brick freaks him out now, and he skitters from Boss as well.

I'm giving serious thought to another BP. Not sure if a chocolate will hold its own with these characters.

Brief mention, Patch has laid eggs again. She's nesting in her 'house' so I leave her to her work. During this time she won't eat and will only peek out a couple of times a day.

Just another Saturday night in cichlid city. Hold my beer.
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