Sounds like Boss had enough.
Brick keep his distance for a while after a 'lesson.'?
One of my big ones can shift and lift some pretty big things. He is maybe 6 inches. Moves things around to his liking. He would maybe equate to your Kong.
He is Top Dog. Has to have his own tank like Kong. I let him do his thing with the interior. I straighten things every once in a while. Doesn't stay that way long. I didn't post him on your Redecorater thread, because he is isnt a Redecorater, he is a demolition crew all in one. He isnt furious about it. Just very methodical.
Would he qualify? If he does I will put him on there another day.
Brick retreated to his side later and stayed there. Wish I could say it would last but I'm beginning to think this is a feud going back to when Brick was small and got harassed by Boss then.
Kong is both decorator and demolition. If you recall he wrecked the marimo, shredding it to fiber and clogging the filters constantly. I've never seen a fish change his tank like this guy. He definitely likes a plant sprawled across the front of his house like a "door". He managed to push his boulder one time. It was at a different angle from the day before. I think demolition is part of decoration with fish.
Some of Patchs' eggs are turning white now. I siphoned the ones she scattered in the sand and of course she went nuts, nearly jumping out of the water to bite my arm. So Kong sees this and also goes berserk, racing up and down the glass and banging it. (this is the side that faces her tank). I can't do anything to her tank without him having a fit.
I'll have to remove Patch in the next day or two as the rest of the eggs turn white. There's no way I can get anything done with her in there.
I'll be adding 2 more fish this summer to round out the main tank.
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