I would also revise my answer to include those fish that should be culled.
In any spawn whether wild fish, or aquarium strains there are individuals that (in nature) would not last a week, or a month because of deformities that compromise survival of the fittest.
IMO these include short body, curved spines, and the kind of mouths found on many BPs.
The genus Herichthys, has (at the moment 12 recognized species) but may be lessened if the genus Nosferatu is separated and validated.
These include H. cyananoguttatus and carpintus, but also deppii, tamasopoensis, tepehua, and minckleyi,
All these look outwardly, fairly similar, and come from similar habitat in Mexico
below H.tamasopoensis
At the moment Herichthys also includes the labridens group, those suggested of late to be in the Nosferatu genus.
A couple below
and below, pantostictus
there are more