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Whats the best fish to breed at home for feeder fish?


MFK Member
I picked up a 55 gallon tank yesterday and I'm thinking of turning it into a feeder fish breeding tank, so I'm looking for ideas, or might turn it into another community tank, regardless any help would be appreciated for either idea, preferred easy to breed fish im new to the whole breeding thing
Guppies, endlers, platys, mollies, swordtails, convict cichlids. All are extremely easy to breed/sex. Just add a male and female with water and it's pretty well that easy for all these fish. The first 4 can be sexed by the shape of their anal fins while the swordtails can change genders depending on the male to female ratio (neat adaptation) and with convicts ya just look for the orange color for a female (males won't have orange on em). With the first 5 fish ya just have to whatch out for cannibalism (parents eating babies) while with convicts they tend to be great parents.
I have horrible luck when it comes to selecting guppies I've learned because the last group I got died over the course of 2 weeks while water levels were perfect
I have horrible luck when it comes to selecting guppies I've learned because the last group I got died over the course of 2 weeks while water levels were perfect
IDK if ya did this or not but try drip acclimation. I seem to have good results when drip acclimating vs temp acclimation. It allows the fish to have a moment to slowly get used to their new tanks parameters/temp without just being thrown into it. Think of it this way, it's nice being able to dip a toe in before just diving straight into the pool headfirst.
Try and get guppies from a local breeder, they are notorious for what you experienced. You should have lower mortality with local guppies
Try and get guppies from a local breeder, they are notorious for what you experienced. You should have lower mortality with local guppies
Agreed, locally bred guppies should be used to similar PH compaired to imports, the same could be said for most any fish ya buy tho.
If you can’t find any locally bred good quality guppies then your best bet is to go with high quality guppies online that cost around $10 a pair as those are treated with care.
You could set the tank up to look cool and still produce fry for food. With some livebearers and a pair of convicts you could have a nice CA biotope type setup and still produce enough offspring for live food. If you have 1 male for every 5 female livebearers such as guppies, mollies or swordtails and the convicts regularly breeding it could work scape it well and it will look like a nice tank not just a bare food factory type of thing.