fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well I can either complain about it like a little kid or I can move on and figure out what I’m gonna do next. While I do enjoy complaining I believe that the better option is to make a new plan.

Also I’ve figured out how I’m going to do water changes without my python since the sink is not an option due to the pipes underneath leaking when I try to use my python. Just gonna fill up the bathtub and use a pump and a long hose ??‍♂️ .
I feel you man, just when you think you get something cool there’s always a new challenge to over come. The joys of troubleshooting the new fish room. I have a feeling you will get a kick out of my next thread coming soon.

I was recently reminded that an airplane takes off into the wind not with it. These set backs are setting us up to fly.
fishhead0103666 fishhead0103666 bummer man, sorry.

I feel you man, just when you think you get something cool there’s always a new challenge to over come. The joys of troubleshooting the new fish room. I have a feeling you will get a kick out of my next thread coming soon.

I was recently reminded that an airplane takes off into the wind not with it. These set backs are setting us up to fly.
Lol can't wait to hear the story. I've got my own saga going on. "Great ideas" turning into stupid mistakes. I've got a ton. Lol
sorry for your loss there bud...
Also I’ve figured out how I’m going to do water changes without my python since the sink is not an option due to the pipes underneath leaking when I try to use my python. Just gonna fill up the bathtub and use a pump and a long hose ??‍♂️ .

Sorry for your loss.

Just a heads up. I've seen your pictures of how dirty you get at work so i've no doubt your bath tub gets used a lot!! If you are filling your tub up to feed your tanks during water changes you will have to be extremely careful to ensure your bath is spotless before filling. Residual soap, showering products, detergents etc may very well give you more unwelcome hassle.

Keep your chin up, and good luck. :thumbsup:
Well y’all, life wishes to test my patience. Disaster has struck and his name is Eric. Two days ago now I went to work and shortly after doing so my sister visited my parents with her demon, Eric. She left it unattended while she and my parents went out to look at something in the front yard, that little monster dumped a few bottles of various medicines I had laying on top of the tank and a container of nls because he “wanted to help with the fishies”. I lost the entire tank.

12x african knives
1x spiny monster pleco
2x Royal plecos
1x l350 pleco
1x green severum
?x hinge mouths
A pleco I can never remember the name of.
I think I’m missing one or two.
1x black moor goldfish (he was being bullied by my other goldfish

I know all of my hinge mouths died but I haven’t yet found all of the bodies so I’m marking it as an unknown death count until I find all of them.

Well, it was a sad day however there is a silver lining at least, I can learn a lesson from this experience which is to lock up everything that I use so nobody has the chance to mess with it. I’m going to be getting a filing cabinet with a lock on it I believe.
Well y’all, life wishes to test my patience. Disaster has struck and his name is Eric. Two days ago now I went to work and shortly after doing so my sister visited my parents with her demon, Eric. She left it unattended while she and my parents went out to look at something in the front yard, that little monster dumped a few bottles of various medicines I had laying on top of the tank and a container of nls because he “wanted to help with the fishies”. I lost the entire tank.

12x african knives
1x spiny monster pleco
2x Royal plecos
1x l350 pleco
1x green severum
?x hinge mouths
A pleco I can never remember the name of.
I think I’m missing one or two.
1x black moor goldfish (he was being bullied by my other goldfish

I know all of my hinge mouths died but I haven’t yet found all of the bodies so I’m marking it as an unknown death count until I find all of them.

Well, it was a sad day however there is a silver lining at least, I can learn a lesson from this experience which is to lock up everything that I use so nobody has the chance to mess with it. I’m going to be getting a filing cabinet with a lock on it I believe.

That sucks hard. I can't stand misbehaved children. How old is the demon? Old enough to be tried as an adult?

I had a similar occurence a year or so ago. One of my nephews, two years old at the time, left unsupervised managed to unplug most of my fishroom. Though no harm was done I did learn I needed to secure my tanks better.
That sucks hard. I can't stand misbehaved children. How old is the demon? Old enough to be tried as an adult?

I had a similar occurence a year or so ago. One of my nephews, two years old at the time, left unsupervised managed to unplug most of my fishroom. Though no harm was done I did learn I needed to secure my tanks better.
I don’t remember how old he is, I’d have to check in with my sister, I do know he’s not old enough to be tried as an adult. If he was 18 then it would have been a completely different story.

It's not the fault of the child it is his Mother.
I never place blame on a child that age. I would be upset but at the Sister.
Sorry for the loss
I place the blame on both of them regardless of how rational it is to blame the child however that’s just my opinion. I definitely am rather angry at my sister for leaving her monster alone under the assumption he would only harass my cats and not get into trouble.
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I just came across your thread. Sorry to hear of all the mishaps and losses.
I have had a similar experience with newer faucets when trying to fill a tank with a python. Some new faucets use quick connections with o-rings and once the python is connected it creates enough back pressure to overcome the o-rings. I use the kitchen sink to fill a 5g bucket that is sitting in the sink and then a small pump to pump to which ever tank I am filling. Your tub would be ideal for this type of gerry rig.
I have had aquariums since before my children were born and have taught them from very early on not to play in the tanks. My mother visited on a number of occasions and I would come home to find her encouraging my children in disobedience. :swear:I didn't punish my kids for these times but mom worked her way into being persona non grata with reckless abandon not just over this.