A wonderful gentleman named Ammar Daniel, a mahseer breeder from Malaysia, approached us on YouTube and sent a pic and a video of Malaysian Red Mahseer along with a great info on these fish.
CY, I told him about you and how I thought you two would have a lot to talk about
Our exchange with Ammar:
TBTB: Thank you for this. Amazing, lovely color. Mine two look just like these except they are smaller, about 14", and not red at all like these are. It makes me feel better, more sure, that I got sold the real red mahseer. I am told that it is quite hard to get them to develop the nice red color in captivity. Would you have any thoughts, suggestions? Thank you.
Ammar: Okay. Firstly you must understand that the Malaysian red mahseer are not same tone of red color because its up to locality river and environment where they exist.
We got 3 types of red mahseer
1. Silver scales; either poor or strong red color in all fins.
2. Above the lateral line the scales contrast to red color, while below the lateral line scales sometimes look silver but when the strong sunlight penetrates through to skin, the scales can be gold shining; red color in all fins.
3. A rare form of 1 and 2 has upper and lower scales contrast to red color; all fins are strong red color.
Type 3 is located in terenganu, also specific to tembat river in lake kenyir area, where 70% population are the most beautiful red mahseer compared to other rivers in Malaysia... In this locality the mahseer have evolved in that specific environment and hence got strong genetic color compared to other rivers.
Let's talk about the factors that bring about a beautiful red mahseer:
1. Genetic color, which is for example the locality of the fish origin is the most important to know because that means the percent of what we want is higher and we are more confident.
2. Natural habitat environment and aquascape.
3. Feed.
4. Water quality.
ok before we go to tips of care about mahseer, i would like to mention about genetic color of mahseer what you must understand.
1. When we talk about red mahseer in Malaysia, we must know that all rivers have a population red mahseer but the genetic predisposition to the best color is not same... First case, there is a big difference between red mahseer in the wild and in captivity - the red tone may be nice in the wild but when placed in a tank the color drastically worsens and it is hard to have the color come back to the same as it was in the wild, and sometimes irreversible and a fish remains with poor tone due to the lack of strong color genetics... Second case may occur where the wild mahseer is again nice and when we put it in a tank, the color is maintained or maybe worsens a little but can comeback to original wild color due to strong color genetics.
2. Silver scale mahseer can never be turned red again, because of the genetics.
Care of red mahseer:
The environment of aquarium must follow the type of wild aquascape, meaning the substrate and features should be the small stone and middle size stone and one chooses 2 type color - orange-brown and little bit gray color.... dont ever add any sticker reflective background.
if aquarium in outdoor must put the aquarium in the sunlight because this light can make the scale and fin tone look better.
if aquarium in indoor must use the tanning super red arowana lamp.
Feed: choose the pellet which got asthaxhantin and cataxhantin; for example i used koi saki hikari color enhancig and saki hikari blood red pellet.
Water quality suggested:
1. Tempurature around 24-26 degree celcius
2. Percentage of clear water at least 80% clear water to maintain the look of tone color mahseer
3. pH around 7.0-7.3
Okay, that's the little bit information that I can share with you... hopefully you got a new knowledge about Malaysian red mahseer and make you more interested...and I hope one day the Malaysian red mahseer can be popular in Europe and America.
my background now is Malaysian mahseer breeder...nice to meet you!
TBTB: Wow, that's great information. Thank you so greatly for this generous explanation! That's a lot of trouble to get nice red color in mahseer
With my general heavy load of work, this kind of effort is out of my league... This reminds me of a friend I have in Malaysia too named Cy, screen name Asian Exotics on the MFK forum, he tells me too about these different rivers and their mahseers, Tor species and Neolissochilus species. He collaborates with various fishermen on getting mahseer for his collection and talks just like you about this topic
I am sure you two would have plenty to talk about.