Rookie Mistake - Help?

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MFK Member
Mar 25, 2024
Sacramento, CA
I'm a novice level fishkeeper returning to the hobby after a 5 year hiatus. I've been lurking various forums while cycling a 55 gallon tank, and had decided to try for a community of small catfish, with S. Nigriventris being the only ones I really had my heart set on. Finally went to the LFS and picked up the two they had in stock, hoping to return later and get 4 more, while spending a little time figuring out what other oddball cats I could add.

Well, I got them home and settled, but I'm pretty sure they're Mystus Leucophasis.

I'd like to keep them, but I didn't even know they existed until today, and I'm reading some pretty conflicting things about them.

Can I keep them in a 55? Can I still have, say, 1-2 Pictus and 1-2 Raphaels with them? Should I just keep the 2 M.L.s by themselves? Get more of them?

I have a mixture of sand and gravel, some hiding spots, wood, leaves, and several sturdy plants.

I already like these little jerks and if I can keep them in the tank I have, I'm perfectly happy to change my plans (probably no S. Nigriventris in there after all!)

Now what?
Post some pictures.
If you really do have mystus leucophasis then your best option is to return them (at some point).
These are great fish, in the right conditions. Although often quoted as smaller they can reach the best part of a foot in length for the female, slightly shorter for the male. Can be quite territorial both with other fish and their own kind.
Think you would be ok in a 55 for a year or so but then may find them getting too large and having too many issues - of course by then you may have decided to give them a 180. My pair share 1200ukg along with 8 featherfin and a number of other synodontis as well as some much larger cats.
The raph will be fine, although you may find some skirmishes with the Pictus who again is a night time swimmer who likes territories.
I'm a novice level fishkeeper returning to the hobby after a 5 year hiatus. I've been lurking various forums while cycling a 55 gallon tank, and had decided to try for a community of small catfish, with S. Nigriventris being the only ones I really had my heart set on. Finally went to the LFS and picked up the two they had in stock, hoping to return later and get 4 more, while spending a little time figuring out what other oddball cats I could add.

Well, I got them home and settled, but I'm pretty sure they're Mystus Leucophasis.

I'd like to keep them, but I didn't even know they existed until today, and I'm reading some pretty conflicting things about them.

Can I keep them in a 55? Can I still have, say, 1-2 Pictus and 1-2 Raphaels with them? Should I just keep the 2 M.L.s by themselves? Get more of them?

I have a mixture of sand and gravel, some hiding spots, wood, leaves, and several sturdy plants.

I already like these little jerks and if I can keep them in the tank I have, I'm perfectly happy to change my plans (probably no S. Nigriventris in there after all!)

Now what?
Welcome aboard
I think you should either upgrade in a year the cats you have like the others said, or just get rid of them. You can mix catfish if you want to (as I have done this) but personally, I think keeping a single species is better. I have two Raphs and that pairing is WAY better than any other mix of catfish I had (my raph had many different kinds of catfish tankmates). Also, since Pictus are busy bodies, I find that slow/less active tankmates are disturbed by their constant movement, so I would highly recommend considering forming a tank around the catfish you choose (slow, more docile fish for the raph or fast busy bodied fish for the pictus).

Also if you really want to mix cats, I would highly recommend choosing slower/peaceful/quiet catfish to go with slower/peaceful/quiet cats and the same for active catfish.
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I think I'm going to keep these dorks for a bit and see what happens. I have a 29 gallon tank that is currently housing 26 Marimos and some orchids that I had planned to get running again (before I accidentally bought the 55 instead), so I'll get the 29 a new filter and when it's good it can have some S. Nigriventris and maybe some stone cats and that'll be my catfish group.

The MLs can have the 55 and if they get too big or start killing each other I'll decide then whether I want to get a 180 or just make them into tacos.

No one online seems to agree on anything for these guys - some people seem to have kept them in smaller tanks successfully and even with other fish, others say 250 gallons + and they'll murder other fish and once that slaughter is complete they'll climb out and mug your children. Fortunately I have no children. And they're little at the moment so I have a bit of time.

So I'll keep them for now (they have names! I can't return them!) and either upgrade or get rid if they get too big.

Honestly I like them better than S. Nigriventris anyway - I am drawn to weird looking fish and the upside down swimming was obviously the main appeal, and these guys have that in spades while being easier to find in the tank and therefore more fun to stare at.

As to nocturnal, I don't really care - I keep odd hours (I breed horses and it's foaling season, so I've been lighting the tanks at night as nightlights so I can see to find my boots and knife if the foaling alarm goes off at 4am) so there's not really a great day/night cycle around here anyway.

Looking around at the space they're in and the rest of my house, I notice that a 6 foot (or longer) tank would fit right there, and I could move the 55 (while keeping the old 29) if I got rid of a couch. There are 2 humans in the house (me plus an extremely permissive husband who doesn't care how many animals I have or how much space they take or mess they make as long as he doesn't have to take care of them), no kids, and we don't entertain - so we don't really need 3 couches anyway...
I like it!

Yes, they are ML.
Problem with them is that most folks can quote you very well, having put them in a community tank not knowing what they were (when they proceeded to eat all their neons). Some can even quote you three years in having kept them with more boisterous fish.
Mine are well over 15 years old now and there is no true answer to being able to keep them in a 55 for life, because most of those keepers don’t have them for life, or at least not a long one.
And, if you are half the fish keeper I expect you are, you will tell when they want more space and you will have grown to like them that much, you will end up giving them it.
Different fish will come with different personalities so if your two get on then that’s half the battle won.
So congratulations on your new characters and enjoy!
I like it!

Yes, they are ML.
Problem with them is that most folks can quote you very well, having put them in a community tank not knowing what they were (when they proceeded to eat all their neons). Some can even quote you three years in having kept them with more boisterous fish.
Mine are well over 15 years old now and there is no true answer to being able to keep them in a 55 for life, because most of those keepers don’t have them for life, or at least not a long one.
And, if you are half the fish keeper I expect you are, you will tell when they want more space and you will have grown to like them that much, you will end up giving them it.
Different fish will come with different personalities so if your two get on then that’s half the battle won.
So congratulations on your new characters and enjoy!

Thank you so much for your help and expertise - it's nice to hear from someone who is very familiar with the species. I am extremely glad that I added them to an empty tank and didn't learn what they are by accidentally hosting a murder banquet.

I don't have money dripping out of every orifice, but I have Craigslist and a big trailer, so I'll keep my eye out for a good deal on a bigger used tank - I have time to find something cheap and get it going. I would kind of prefer not to add another tank, but I suspect that you're right and I'll be willing to do it if/when it is necessary.

Can I see pics of yours in their setup, with info on what is working well for them?
This link will give you an idea on their setup. Not much has changed since the videos in it. Not sure the Mystus make an appearance in any but will try to find or make one with them in.
Favourite spaces are actually things like the floating pond baskets or containers. Actually floating black polystyrene is ideal as they hang out underneath it upside down and seem to prefer this even to the rocks and pipes.
Food wise the pond gets flake for the oxydoras and synos once a week, sinking sturgeon pellets twice a week and musselmeat and whitefish cut up once a week. Vegetables once a month. Think they definitely prefer the meatier portion of the diet.
This link will give you an idea on their setup. Not much has changed since the videos in it. Not sure the Mystus make an appearance in any but will try to find or make one with them in.
Favourite spaces are actually things like the floating pond baskets or containers. Actually floating black polystyrene is ideal as they hang out underneath it upside down and seem to prefer this even to the rocks and pipes.
Food wise the pond gets flake for the oxydoras and synos once a week, sinking sturgeon pellets twice a week and musselmeat and whitefish cut up once a week. Vegetables once a month. Think they definitely prefer the meatier portion of the diet.

What a great setup! Mine are (fortunately) still small enough to hide under leaves and stuff.