Please don't put anything in there with them. I made this mistake of putting a SMALL one in a 75 gallon. Within 6 months he was the biggest fish in the tank and his tankmates were disappearing.
A 55 won't cut it for long. Which is unfortunate because they are quite amusing fish to keep.
That’s a good husband right there! Keep him!Small update: husband has agreed that an 8 foot tank would be great in the spot where the 55 gal is now. (We have not discussed the need to get rid of furniture in order to keep the other 2 tanks - one step at a time, LOL).
He is a plant guy, and he was eyeballing the plants I stuck in my HOB - I think he's considering how many more plants could grow in a bigger tank, and I can see the wheels turning... I think he's envisioning a hydroponic vegetable garden. Works for me - he's the cook in our house, and IMO, the more veggies he has on hand the better.
The Crime Fish are doing quite well. They spend a lot of time in the current under the HOB. Do they like the current? I have room for an additional filter; would they like *more* current?
That’s a good husband right there! Keep him!
I like it!
Yes, they are ML.
Problem with them is that most folks can quote you very well, having put them in a community tank not knowing what they were (when they proceeded to eat all their neons). Some can even quote you three years in having kept them with more boisterous fish.
Mine are well over 15 years old now and there is no true answer to being able to keep them in a 55 for life, because most of those keepers don’t have them for life, or at least not a long one.
And, if you are half the fish keeper I expect you are, you will tell when they want more space and you will have grown to like them that much, you will end up giving them it.
Different fish will come with different personalities so if your two get on then that’s half the battle won.
So congratulations on your new characters and enjoy!