Got My New Tank!


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
So I have an interesting problem possibly.....I cannot find my Bichir anywhere. Tank is tightly sealed and there's really no way he could have gotten out. I haven't seen him in 5 days now. He sometimes would hide in the big hole in the little root on left side of tank, he is not in there. The only thing I can think of is he maybe squeezed into one of the tiny holes in the center-piece décor and cannot figure out how to get out....??

If he did get out of the tank, would he just be on the ground below it or can they survive out of water for a while and crawl somewhere?

Do they ever bury themselves completely in sand and hide for a while?

He's always typically been pretty active and out in the open.

I'm stumped....picture to show the tiny holes.1.jpg
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POTM Curator
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MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
How big is he? I wouldn’t expect him to be able to get through the hole in the decor unless he’s smaller than it.
Mine would have a habit of swimming in and out of overflow chambers (before I removed them).
Not to mention the Oscar could snack on it if there’s enough of a size difference.
They are also great at finding holes in the top you didn’t know existed - I’d double check the area (I doubt one would last more than a few hours out of water without completely desiccating).


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
How big is he? I wouldn’t expect him to be able to get through the hole in the decor unless he’s smaller than it.
Mine would have a habit of swimming in and out of overflow chambers (before I removed them).
Not to mention the Oscar could snack on it if there’s enough of a size difference.
They are also great at finding holes in the top you didn’t know existed - I’d double check the area (I doubt one would last more than a few hours out of water without completely desiccating).
He's probably 5" long, looks bigger than those holes thought so really didn't think he'd fit in there. Looked around basement and cannot find him on floor anywhere. Definitely seems too big for the Oscar at his current size to get him, figured I'd find something left over if that were the case but I just don't see that happening. Oscar is about 4" now. I may have to get my arm in there and feel all through the substrate I guess.


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Also check intakes/outtakes on filters - like any eel like fish, they will look for anything they can fit in.
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
I'm trying to get a sense of scale from looking at the various pics and comparing the Poly's size to the rocks and decor; it seems to me that it could easily get into one of those decor pieces and then manage to get wedged or jammed in place. I've had it happen a number of times with Bristlenose Plecos, and have broken a number of pieces of decor...usually natural get them out. Five days is more than enough time to give them a chance to extricate themselves. All my DIY sponge filters nowadays need to be built with this potential problem in mind as well.

The good news is that your tank is fairly open and easy to search; if he's in there you should be able to find him. Even if he's buried in the gravel...and I'm not a poly guy so don't know if they do'll just take a couple minutes to feel around everywhere and turn him up.

But if you don't find him, either on the floor or in the tank or filter...and if the Oscar hasn't shown signs of having eaten him (trust me, it would show!)...then I think it might be time to break open those decor pieces. They can be fixed easily with epoxy.

Fair warning: running your fingers through all the gravel in the tank, and then removing those decor pieces, may (!) impact that lovely water clarity....but that's what filters are for. :)


MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
Alright, I found him - and he's alive! I took the large center piece out and on the bottom I did not realize there's about a nickel-sized hole. I got all of the water out and held it up to my ear and could hear him flapping around in there. I know he ate a ton before he went missing so I'm hoping he's just full and hanging out. If he finds his way out, I'll seal that hold up. If not, I'll have to break it but trying to avoid that as it was an expensive piece of décor!


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
As long as he can get in and out, it’s not bad to have a dedicated hiding spot that only he can get to.
As the cichlids grow, they will enjoy sharing space less and less and may start picking on the bichir.
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MFK Member
Mar 20, 2023
As long as he can get in and out, it’s not bad to have a dedicated hiding spot that only he can get to.
As the cichlids grow, they will enjoy sharing space less and less and may start picking on the bichir.
Yeah, agreed. I'm still not 100% convinced he can get out on his own just because I have not seen him yet. But, he did just find this place for the first time so maybe he's enjoying it!

Cal Amari

MFK Member
Mar 9, 2023
I once had a raphael cat who lived in a piece of decor, I'd go weeks without seeing him, but if I really wanted to know, put in something like frozen brine shrimp or bloodworm, something meaty and more smelly than dry food, unless you have some massivore. He'd be out within a minute or 2, and usually based on his belly bump I knew he was doing just fine coming out after dark.