I'm about to get into shrimp as a local breeder/exporter has lovely blue Neocaridina he's willing to sell... at a problematic unit cost, but so it goes as his quality tends to be spectacular.
My systems tend to have various "live-water" invertebrates, so I'm wondering about compatibility with oscracods & amphipods/scuds as I've seen them both overwhelm, kill & consume a mature mystery snail when particularly abundant.
How about planarian/flat-worms and tubifex(?) in the substrate?
Hydra? I don't seem to have at the moment, they come & go.
How about guppies? Lemon tetras? I expect they'll eat the baby shrimp & slow my population-growth (yes)?
Will the blue shrimp eat the ostracods/worms/hydra, or just compete for food? Honestly, it'd be nice to reduce the wee inedible tid-bits moving around the bottom.
Will the blue shrimp eat the tetra eggs (assuming they ever spawn...)
IE: am I tearing down a tank & starting afresh?
I do have a somewhat cleaner smaller tank, kept relatively ecologically spotless by half-dozen 1" SA bumblebee cats... so no adding shrimp, of course not.
Thanks & best regards,