This news true?


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
Good grief.
There are enough stupid people when it comes to fisheries... don't get me started on bowfishermen or the people who kill gar/bowfin because they "are invasive and eat bass".
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
Why not spend that Billion convincing the public that the carp is a high quality fish and is great eating and restaurants that they need to sell it?
What kind of people do you think we have, doing the thinking up there? Probably the same kind of people that banned the entire Channa genus because 3 species got loose in the US, and the same kind of people that keep threatening to get the aquarium trade on a whitelist. Freshwater fisheries are a sh*thole. Only one native cichlid in the US but it has a kill on sight thing out for it in the river directly adjacent to the one it's endemic to. Alabama bass slowly spreading up the east coast but they're freaking out because they threaten smallmouth bass populations... that are already introduced themselves. Rainbow trout being introduced in brown and brook trout ranges, brown and brook trout being introduced in rainbow trout ranges. Bass everywhere. People labelling green sunfish "invasive" when bluegill are already introduced and more numerous. Thankfully green sunfish and bluegill overlap with the native sunfish here in other places, so they're not entirely alien to the native species, but still yknow.

Everything in the great lakes is already introduced but they're only fighting to protect it because they already spent decades trying to turn it into a giant functional stock pond/hatchery.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
There are enough stupid people when it comes to fisheries... don't get me started on bowfishermen or the people who kill gar/bowfin because they "are invasive and eat bass".
Yeah,the slaughtering of gar grinds my gears as well.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Why not spend that Billion convincing the public that the carp is a high quality fish and is great eating and restaurants that they need to sell it?
LOL high quality, dude,nobody around here eats carp except for a few east European immigrants I've seen going giddy over them....if carp really was any good they would be in every fish market instead of cheap ass tilapia and whiting!
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
What a total waste of money, who the hell is doing the thinking at the top, because their thought process is wayyyy off!

They're on about stopping these invasive species getting into the waterways, but they're already there for gods sake!!!

They've been there for years and, like it or lump it, I don't reckon those billions of invasives already in the system, of whatever species, are going to pack up their little fishy suitcases and go elsewhere. In fact they're probably breeding like crazy!! What a strange thing to start doing now.

If they'd have said there is to be a massive countrywide cull of all invasives, and on top of that, entry points to waterways are too be improved too, then that line of thought would have been a little more credible....but....and a big but....

Just think about that last paragraph, "a massive countrywide cull of all invasives". Impossible, totally ludicrous. They're starting a fight which they can never win.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
What a total waste of money, who the hell is doing the thinking at the top, because their thought process is wayyyy off!

They're on about stopping these invasive species getting into the waterways, but they're already there for gods sake!!!

They've been there for years and, like it or lump it, I don't reckon those billions of invasives already in the system, of whatever species, are going to pack up their little fishy suitcases and go elsewhere. In fact they're probably breeding like crazy!! What a strange thing to start doing now.

If they'd have said there is to be a massive countrywide cull of all invasives, and on top of that, entry points to waterways are too be improved too, then that line of thought would have been a little more credible....but....and a big but....

Just think about that last paragraph, "a massive countrywide cull of all invasives". Impossible, totally ludicrous. They're starting a fight which they can never win.
this is officially the american version of the australian emu war
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
this is officially the american version of the australian emu war
Yes, but trying to get rid of non natives is one thing, but actually culling huge numbers of a native species, ie the emu to Australia, because they were destroying crops, is a different thing really.

Where does it all end. Get rid of non natives because of this, that and the other, and get rid of natives too, because of this, that and the other.

The bigger picture is a very simple one really, whether humans like it or not. Due to climate change, over the next many thousands of years, species are going to slowly move around to areas that suit them.

The problem is they don't know that there are boundaries that they mustn't cross, lol.

That's a natural long term slant on the problem, the moving about of invasives due to human interference is very much a now issue.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yes, but trying to get rid of non natives is one thing, but actually culling huge numbers of a native species, ie the emu to Australia, because they were destroying crops, is a different thing really.

Where does it all end. Get rid of non natives because of this, that and the other, and get rid of natives too, because of this, that and the other.

The bigger picture is a very simple one really, whether humans like it or not. Due to climate change, over the next many thousands of years, species are going to slowly move around to areas that suit them.

The problem is they don't know that there are boundaries that they mustn't cross, lol.

That's a natural long term slant on the problem, the moving about of invasives due to human interference is very much a now issue.
was more making a joke about the military trying to kill and control animals that they can't possibly kill/control a significant number of but i see what you're getting at
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MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
First off the headlines are totally bogus.
It is not the US miltary.
The US Corps of Engineers, is not the military.

Next.... trying to keep these invasive species out of the great lakes has been going of for decades, because (if they get in) they will cause a collapse of a biillion dollar tourist , and sport industry effecting many US states and Canada.

Electronic barriers wer installed nearly 20 years ago to keep certain invassive carp species out, that will devetstate and collapse native fisheries and devatstate hundreds of species in all the Great Lakes totally altering a giant ecosystem far beoyond those lake.

These headlines are a new political ploy to disparage, and take focus of the real work to protect the US environnment.
Whom ever is behind the headines is using it as a smoke screen for political purposes.
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