I Feel Like Quitting this Hobby


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
I know we have all had this feeling. We all had our highs and our lows. Right now I’m feel like everything has a problem. I have been powerfeeding my 10 and 55 gallon tanks because I want all fish to get fed and get their diet right, and with that comes water changes. For the fast week or so I’ve had no water conditioner left and my parents wouldn’t take me to get more because my brothers take up every hour of the day (outside of school and work) doing sports. Because of this I haven’t been able to do water changes in over a week. This has increase nitrates a lot. In the 55 I’ve always struggled to grow plants. I don’t want to get into all the details because I’m exhausted and frustrated. The duckweed in my 10 gallon hasn’t even grown! I’m so pissed. On top of that I can’t stop buying new fish or collecting new fish every few weeks and now some of my tanks are over stocked. A few fish I have like the iridescent sharks are getting to big and I have to rehome. And none of my LFS will take them in. What a dumbass I am for buying 2. I just don’t know what to do. I just recently (a few months ago) finally got to a point where everything was good and I was happy. With my tanks. Now here I am because I can’t get water conditioner because of my brothers who take up everything. On top of that I can’t really earn much money often so when I don’t have the find for something that I have to get I have to ask my parents to buy me it and they always charge me back even if it’s something that’s like $5. I don’t know what to do.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
I know we have all had this feeling. We all had our highs and our lows. Right now I’m feel like everything has a problem. I have been powerfeeding my 10 and 55 gallon tanks because I want all fish to get fed and get their diet right, and with that comes water changes. For the fast week or so I’ve had no water conditioner left and my parents wouldn’t take me to get more because my brothers take up every hour of the day (outside of school and work) doing sports. Because of this I haven’t been able to do water changes in over a week. This has increase nitrates a lot. In the 55 I’ve always struggled to grow plants. I don’t want to get into all the details because I’m exhausted and frustrated. The duckweed in my 10 gallon hasn’t even grown! I’m so pissed. On top of that I can’t stop buying new fish or collecting new fish every few weeks and now some of my tanks are over stocked. A few fish I have like the iridescent sharks are getting to big and I have to rehome. And none of my LFS will take them in. What a dumbass I am for buying 2. I just don’t know what to do. I just recently (a few months ago) finally got to a point where everything was good and I was happy. With my tanks. Now here I am because I can’t get water conditioner because of my brothers who take up everything. On top of that I can’t really earn much money often so when I don’t have the find for something that I have to get I have to ask my parents to buy me it and they always charge me back even if it’s something that’s like $5. I don’t know what to do.
I felt the same when i lost my large RTC, quitting the hobby. I know someone who can make you feel better. Allow me to intoduce to you, the one and only, His Boogeyman Dumbness, aka SilverArowanaBoi SilverArowanaBoi
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
I know we have all had this feeling. We all had our highs and our lows. Right now I’m feel like everything has a problem. I have been powerfeeding my 10 and 55 gallon tanks because I want all fish to get fed and get their diet right, and with that comes water changes. For the fast week or so I’ve had no water conditioner left and my parents wouldn’t take me to get more because my brothers take up every hour of the day (outside of school and work) doing sports. Because of this I haven’t been able to do water changes in over a week. This has increase nitrates a lot. In the 55 I’ve always struggled to grow plants. I don’t want to get into all the details because I’m exhausted and frustrated. The duckweed in my 10 gallon hasn’t even grown! I’m so pissed. On top of that I can’t stop buying new fish or collecting new fish every few weeks and now some of my tanks are over stocked. A few fish I have like the iridescent sharks are getting to big and I have to rehome. And none of my LFS will take them in. What a dumbass I am for buying 2. I just don’t know what to do. I just recently (a few months ago) finally got to a point where everything was good and I was happy. With my tanks. Now here I am because I can’t get water conditioner because of my brothers who take up everything. On top of that I can’t really earn much money often so when I don’t have the find for something that I have to get I have to ask my parents to buy me it and they always charge me back even if it’s something that’s like $5. I don’t know what to do.
I almost gave up due to the recession in 2008 if I remember correctly. In your case it's because you are young and live under your parents rules. It's ok for you to give up until you're situation improves. Are you old enough to get a part-time job?


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
In a nutshell you're taking on way too much than your young inexperienced years can comfortably handle imo. Add poor choices to that and this is where you're at unfortunately.

We all know how this hobby can get a grip on you but you need to dial back your enthusiasm a little and go back to basics.

As an example, my little hex tank which basically runs itself gives me so much pleasure and it's absolutely no trouble at all.

I'm sure your parents have time for you as well as your siblings. Try and pin them down to a time where you can go and get some supplies.
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MFK Member
Jan 7, 2010
I will agree with your parents take on you paying for your hobbies. You’ll understand why much later in life. I’m 50 and started keeping fish at 11 years old while racing motocross. I was responsible for the cost for every nickel. If I needed tires or fish food I mowed lawns until I was old enough to get a work permit at 15 to get a job bagging groceries at Jewel which I worked until I left for Ft Benning. I was married with kids at 22 out of the Army and still raced while keeping aquariums and the money needed couldn’t come out of what we needed for our family’s monthly budget. I scrapped money together to become a FFL(federal firearms license) and started selling firearms to fund my toys. Fast forward to now that’s become a full time career owning my own gun store, also I supply 14 local police departments patrol rifles and duty weapons. Long story short be prepared to work hard for what you love as you’ll appreciate your success much more in the long run.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 2, 2008
The deep south
U dont need water conditioner to do a water change. If ur overly worried, fill up buckets or containers of water and let them sit for 24hrs. Any chlorine will gas off on its own or with an aerator.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
I know we have all had this feeling. We all had our highs and our lows. Right now I’m feel like everything has a problem. I have been powerfeeding my 10 and 55 gallon tanks because I want all fish to get fed and get their diet right, and with that comes water changes. For the fast week or so I’ve had no water conditioner left and my parents wouldn’t take me to get more because my brothers take up every hour of the day (outside of school and work) doing sports. Because of this I haven’t been able to do water changes in over a week. This has increase nitrates a lot. In the 55 I’ve always struggled to grow plants. I don’t want to get into all the details because I’m exhausted and frustrated. The duckweed in my 10 gallon hasn’t even grown! I’m so pissed. On top of that I can’t stop buying new fish or collecting new fish every few weeks and now some of my tanks are over stocked. A few fish I have like the iridescent sharks are getting to big and I have to rehome. And none of my LFS will take them in. What a dumbass I am for buying 2. I just don’t know what to do. I just recently (a few months ago) finally got to a point where everything was good and I was happy. With my tanks. Now here I am because I can’t get water conditioner because of my brothers who take up everything. On top of that I can’t really earn much money often so when I don’t have the find for something that I have to get I have to ask my parents to buy me it and they always charge me back even if it’s something that’s like $5. I don’t know what to do.
I understand your frustration. What helps me get a clearer mind in these situations is stepping back and doing something else for a little while, even perhaps for a few days. Try to clear your mind from fishkeeping and come back with fresh energy. Once you've relaxed your mind a bit, here are some suggestions to help fix the problems:

1. I wouldn't recommend power feeding since you are low on de-chlorinator. I assume you have sizeable specimens; if so, you can back off feeding for a few days, especially if you've been feeding them daily or every other day. If you have smaller specimens, I would feed them every other day or every two days. If you're worried about specific fish not eating, target feed them, but otherwise, back off feeding for a few days to prevent more problems.

2. Try to exert some self-control when buying and selling new fish. Trust me, I've been there. Some of the fish are native species; you collected them, correct? Perhaps take the ones you don't care as much for, put them back where they came from (as long as they are healthy and all of that), and then keep the ones that are your absolute favorites. You have to have some self-control when getting fish. I know it's hard, considering there are 100s of beautiful and awesome species of freshwater fish, but it's a key component of this hobby (and honestly any hobby for that matter). Also, for the sharks and other fish that are getting too large, again, if they're native, put them back where they came from; if not, perhaps sell/give them on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.

3. Research, Research, Research! On the same line as above, do a ton of research to prevent random impulse buys every time you go to the fish store, lake, or wherever you get your fish. Once I knew about most species around my area's fish stores (especially oddballs that were the coolest fish), it helped me to reason when the temptation of rare new fish appeared so that I could bite my wallet, move on, and dream of having the proper housing for the fish later on.

4. Regarding the plants, I can't help you there. I'm horrible with aquatic plants, lol.

Finally, 5. Don't be mad at your siblings or parents. Those circumstances are out of your control; they aren't your fault either. They are just circumstances that are out of your control. Instead, perhaps research some ways you can make money online. You could do plenty of things that are suitable for your age. Start a YouTube channel or be an online graphic designer if you're good at graphic design. Or, if you're good at writing, be a writer for various businesses. There are many ways to make money; you just have to find them.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck.
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MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
I almost gave up due to the recession in 2008 if I remember correctly. In your case it's because you are young and live under your parents rules. It's ok for you to give up until you're situation improves. Are you old enough to get a part-time job?
Also most old enough. I technically got a job offer at my lfs when I’m 16