Tips on Getting my Dream Fish


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
Hello! What’s are some ways that I could earn money or ideas that’ll help me get my dream fish: Gymnothorax Polyuranodon: the Freshwater Tiger Moray Eel. As well as any species of Goonch later on in the future. Could I get up a Go Fund me? Any ideas?


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Go Fund Me? Why on earth would a bunch of complete strangers just give you money for a hobby? The fact that you even thought of that is disturbing.

If you wish to purchase a Tiger Moray...or a car, a computer, a house, an ice cream cone, etc...a tried and proven method is to work and earn the money you need.

Your profile shows you are 13? I had been earning money cutting grass, collecting nightcrawlers and weeding gardens for three years by that age. My first actual job, as someone else's employee rather than a free-lance contractor :), started the next year. My first actual paycheck coincided with the announcement by my father a working days of receiving an allowance were over. :)


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Honestly, you've started so many threads recently it's difficult to keep up with what's going on in that young head of yours.

You are definitely one of those people who want to run before you can walk, and getting other people to fund your wish list is a crazy idea.

Like I said in another thread of yours, I can't remember which one there have been that many, you need to take a step back from the idea of cramming your whole future fish keeping into now, it doesn't work like that.

A kid your age should be learning the ropes of the hobby with a nice little community set up in your bedroom or something. Low cost, low maintenance, a good start to learn the basics.

You've got your whole adult working life ahead of you to do all the big fancy stuff. Don't burn yourself out chasing unrealistic dreams at such a young age, you will just become disillusioned, in fact I think you're getting there already.

Slow down young man.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
Go Fund Me? Why on earth would a bunch of complete strangers just give you money for a hobby? The fact that you even thought of that is disturbing.

If you wish to purchase a Tiger Moray...or a car, a computer, a house, an ice cream cone, etc...a tried and proven method is to work and earn the money you need.

Your profile shows you are 13? I had been earning money cutting grass, collecting nightcrawlers and weeding gardens for three years by that age. My first actual job, as someone else's employee rather than a free-lance contractor :), started the next year. My first actual paycheck coincided with the announcement by my father a working days of receiving an allowance were over. :)
I 100% agree. As I said in yesterday's thread, find jobs you can manage at this age: Graphic design, writing, yardwork, video making, photography, tutoring, etc. Again, there are many ways to make money, but you have to go out and find them.

Please don't beg for money on GoFundMe or any site like it; strangers aren't responsible for taking care of your fish; you are, and only you (except when you're on vacation, but that's a whole other can of worms, lol). Plus, having your job (or side hustle) and making your own money feels good because you've made it versus someone else giving it to you.

Also, regarding the dream fish, it's okay to have one! I have a list as long as Santa Claus' of fish that I want to keep, lol. But for right now, I'm not planning on keeping those until I'm at a stage in life where it is feasible; by what it sounds like, you're not either. Take this from a teen like yourself who has experienced the same thing: focus on the fish you have and make the hobby simpler for yourself (financially and mentally). Trust me, it was so much easier to keep my tank once I developed this mindset (I know I got rid of the tank recently, but that's a different reason than this).


MFK Member
Nov 10, 2021
When I was a kid, I would catch whatever I could and put them in tanks; and learned quite a bit about keeping fish that way. Money wasn't something that should be spent on fish, in the eyes of my parents, and so I worked with what I had.
Looking back, I do think I had the most fun keeping fish that way- no stress over losing a ton of money when fish died, no exorbitant and fancy tech to "simplify" maintenance, and it was a lot more worthwhile and fun when I finally caught a fish I wanted to keep after weeks of searching.

In my opinion, a lot of people start to try to keep as many different fish as possible for bragging rights, to look experienced, or just because they want a rare fish. In doing so, they sort of lose the original idea of keeping fish just to enjoy watching and caring for them.

There's certainly nothing wrong with keeping a lot of rare fish; but when it starts to get into a spiral of constantly getting more and more, it's probably best to step back and reconsider. There's also nothing wrong with keeping a nice 10gal with guppies or a betta- and you'd certainly be more respected for having a single, well-maintained tank than trying to keep an overwhelming number of uncommon fishes and failing to give them adequate care. Your worth as a fishkeeper isn't dictated by how many species you've kept.

I can practically guarantee that the majority of well-respected people in fish clubs are elderly folk who have specialised in keeping a single species or family of fish for years; as opposed to people with a disorientingly lengthy keeplist consisting of various species.

You already keep a lot of cool native fish; I personally think you'd do well to focus on what you have now and maybe start looking for more uncommon wishlist species when you're in a better financial position.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have had tanks in the house since I gained a conscience, I set up my first proper (ish) tank around the age of 11, and by 12, the first fish I had ever spawned was the WC xanthic amazonarum from Jeff Rapps. It has been 8 years since I had to decide between those acaras and Jeff's salama nuevo sajica, 8 years since that decision led me to where I am now in my fish career, and still after 8 years, 2 jobs, and amassing 26 more tanks (/later selling 8 of them), I haven't gotten my hands on salama nuevo sajica. I wouldn't necessarily call it a dream fish now, but at the time it was, so my 2 respective cents from this are that 1. you can always go back to things you'd wanted before and 2. sometimes these things take awhile. I have a list of fish that I want and know I'd be happy with that I've narrowed down over the years, most of which are very accessible, but I don't have the space or money for them right now. I would say make a list yourself and sort them by priority so you can focus on fish you do have the capabilities for, but for these-- judging by the capabilities you've expressed in your other posts, I don't think you are ready for either species. In an ideal world, everyone on the planet could give me a dollar, but that is not how the world works.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have had tanks in the house since I gained a conscience, I set up my first proper (ish) tank around the age of 11, and by 12, the first fish I had ever spawned was the WC xanthic amazonarum from Jeff Rapps. It has been 8 years since I had to decide between those acaras and Jeff's salama nuevo sajica, 8 years since that decision led me to where I am now in my fish career, and still after 8 years, 2 jobs, and amassing 26 more tanks (/later selling 8 of them), I haven't gotten my hands on salama nuevo sajica. I wouldn't necessarily call it a dream fish now, but at the time it was, so my 2 respective cents from this are that 1. you can always go back to things you'd wanted before and 2. sometimes these things take awhile. I have a list of fish that I want and know I'd be happy with that I've narrowed down over the years, most of which are very accessible, but I don't have the space or money for them right now. I would say make a list yourself and sort them by priority so you can focus on fish you do have the capabilities for, but for these-- judging by the capabilities you've expressed in your other posts, I don't think you are ready for either species. In an ideal world, everyone on the planet could give me a dollar, but that is not how the world works.
i forgot what the last column was for
blue cells are for things that i'm in the process of looking for, green i already have


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
If you can't afford to buy one you probably can't afford to keep one. Running a tank long term is cost intensive.
I can afford food and tank just fine. I’ve managed to keep G. Tile before. I still have frozen silversides
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
I can afford food and tank just fine. I’ve managed to keep G. Tile before. I still have frozen silversides
That's all you got out of everything everyone said? Do you read any of the advice people give on the posts where you're asking for advice?