Tips on Getting my Dream Fish


MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
I say make the gofundme and see what happens. Cant hurt, right.

Im so confused by you youngins and your tech-savvy web-socialite society...I'll bet it would work. Some bot thats learned how to scam elderly people might just start donating you vast sums of money in accordance with some ill-conceived charitable algorithm to make it seem more human.

But all you dinosaurs here...that old "working for a living crap" is in the past. The new generations are more determined than ever to be worthless billionaires by any means possible. I wonder if this is the same kid who floated us that idea about strip-mining all of tonga of its live rock...


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
I say make the gofundme and see what happens. Cant hurt, right.

Im so confused by you youngins and your tech-savvy web-socialite society...I'll bet it would work. Some bot thats learned how to scam elderly people might just start donating you vast sums of money in accordance with some ill-conceived charitable algorithm to make it seem more human.

But all you dinosaurs here...that old "working for a living crap" is in the past. The new generations are more determined than ever to be worthless billionaires by any means possible. I wonder if this is the same kid who floated us that idea about strip-mining all of tonga of its live rock...
I doubt it'll work for something like this, I could barely get two of my friends to send me $5 each to help with buying a fish (in desperation).


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I doubt it'll work for something like this, I could barely get two of my friends to send me $5 each to help with buying a fish (in desperation).
Some fine friends you have!


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
That's all you got out of everything everyone said? Do you read any of the advice people give on the posts where you're asking for advice?
Google "askhole".


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
The joys of forum life eh? The kid's come on asking for advice, which is a good first step. However, ignoring said advice is just a backward step, but that's on him, we can only do so much, the rest is up to him.

Loganfish Loganfish . The problem is very very simple here. You want tanks and fish now, we get that, but you've no money to fund it, not to mention the experience to keep said fish, but that's another story. A bit of an income for you would solve a lot of your problems, so that's where you start.

A few years ago, my son, when he was 14, similar to you, was crazy on motorbikes. His mother and I hated the idea of him on a motorbike so we point blank told him if he wanted a motorbike he can get his own.

Knowing full well he didn't have any money, we were confident his motorbike phase would pass and that would be that.

Well the little son of a gun he went out looking for part time work and eventually got a job in a local restaurant for a few hours a night washing up in the kitchen. He wanted something that bad that he got off his backside and did something about it.

The outcome of it all was that a few months later he got his bike with his own hard earned money, which we couldn't really argue about because we'd foolishly told him he could get one if he got it himself. He then proceeded to come off his bike, scared the sh*t out of himself and he sold it. That was his biking phase well and truly over.

But the example I've just given you is what can be achieved if you stop whining and do something about it.

Hopefully the next thread we see from you will be in the lounge entitled, "I got myself a part time job", and we will all take great delight in hearing about it.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Sep 21, 2023
Houston, Texas
I say make the gofundme and see what happens. Cant hurt, right.

Im so confused by you youngins and your tech-savvy web-socialite society...I'll bet it would work. Some bot thats learned how to scam elderly people might just start donating you vast sums of money in accordance with some ill-conceived charitable algorithm to make it seem more human.

But all you dinosaurs here...that old "working for a living crap" is in the past. The new generations are more determined than ever to be worthless billionaires by any means possible. I wonder if this is the same kid who floated us that idea about strip-mining all of tonga of its live rock...
You're calling me a dinosaur at 16? Damn, I'm old, lol. I believe in working for a living...furthermore, I believe in working for what you want, period. Life ain't always going to give you things.


MFK Member
Dec 25, 2022
Cayman Islands
Alot of good advice above. My advice would be that you also think of your dream tank in conjunction with your dream fish, which is equally if not more important. It starts with the tank. Plan out a nice tank/setup that can house all the fish you want to put in one tank, for life.

When I was 10 or 11 years old my parents let me have a small room in the house for my hobby. Over time I filled the room with (small) tanks ranging from 10 gallons to 55 gallons, setups in which I put some effort into at the time. My point is that even at that young age I suppose I realized the importance of the aquarium setup. Sometimes when I'm relaxing and viewing my fish I find myself looking at the entire aquarium setup almost as much as I do the fish.


MFK Member
Apr 24, 2024
Western Australia
I spent over six months planning my tiger moray tank and weeks to build it. I barely see it or the fire eel but that’s what they want, plenty of hiding places to feel protected. I have pipes/crevices and massive caves where they can travel from one side to the other completely covered. They seem to love it.
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