Tips on Getting my Dream Fish


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Hey Loganfish Loganfish ! i realize what you're going through buddy. There is probably a lot going on in your head, like having the desire to buy new fish while being concerned for the money required to keep your current setup up and running. I, being a teenager, have suffered from the same thing in the past. However, i was a lot more foolish than you, buying fish species which could easily hit 4 feet while having neither the space nor money to manage them, which caused the deaths of my fish. I rather not talk about the past, since it still haunts me. You need to avoid the same mistakes which i did. Sit down, relax and think this through.

Judging from your recent threads and posts, i am assuming you have little money, so i would highly recommend that if the lives of your fish are at sake then sell them because you took them in your custody, thus its your responsibility to take care of them. Consider getting a job, like others have mentioned and once you have enough money, you can start your hobby again. Fishkeeping is meant to be fun and relaxing, not stressful. Meanwhile, you can gather all sorts of information on different fish species from the numerous experienced members here on MFK .

Good luck.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Its as simple as everyone said, if you need money go and work for it.
When i was in my early teens i did lawn mowing, car washing and dog walking around my neighbourhood. Looking back i am sure they all could have done the work to a higher standard themselves but they were happy to help a kid out who wanted to do something. When i turned 15 i got a job collecting trolleys for the local supemarket. Its not glamorous or cool but it is the way things are.
Maybe if you are good with technology you could do the modern equivalent of garden work and help old people out with setting up their gadgets and tech issues.


MFK Member
Jan 7, 2010
On top of that I can’t really earn much money often so when I don’t have the find for something that I have to get I have to ask my parents to buy me it and they always charge me back even if it’s something that’s like $5. I don’t know what to do.
72hrs ago you were contiplating quitting the hobby as you couldn’t afford or have access to getting water conditioners but now you type this? As I suggested in your other thread start working for what brings you happiness as that will make the successes far more rewarding.

I can afford food and tank just fine. I’ve managed to keep G. Tile before. I still have frozen silversides
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Saturday afternoon: "I'm pissed off and want to quit the hobby!"

Sunday morning: "I need to buy some Glyptothorax cats!"

Sunday afternoon: "How can I get people to give me money?"

To paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones in Men In Black: "Just think what the question will be...tomorrow!"


MFK Member
Jun 3, 2024
72hrs ago you were contiplating quitting the hobby as you couldn’t afford or have access to getting water conditioners but now you type this? As I suggested in your other thread start working for what brings you happiness as that will make the successes far more rewarding.
I just got my water conditioner yesterday and spent hours cleaning all my tanks. I also finally was able to rehome a good amount of fish I don’t want. I’m taking and using everyone’s advice, I just respond to certain things. I have a full list of task that my parents and grandma have for me to make allowance.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023

This thread is by Loganfish Loganfish . Thought I would share it here to make it easy for you guys to keep a track of things.