How accurate is this guy with the nitrate info

jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
This guy posted a video about kaveman aquatics about a year ago . Don't know how authentic it is but he has also posted about other bad youtubers like Zak catch em all, Paul cuffaro, etc, revealing the truth behind their false fish keeping.

IDK man, this guy has some pretty good vids, and there are indeed a decent amount of quality youtubers that can help people quite a bit. I kniw there are lots of BS channels, you just have to kniw hiw to read through the crap.


MFK Member
Nov 28, 2022
This guy posted a video about kaveman aquatics about a year ago . Don't know how authentic it is but he has also posted about other bad youtubers like Zak catch em all, Paul cuffaro, etc, revealing the truth behind their false fish keeping.
I’ve watched that crap lol. He basically only highlights few and far between mistakes and like his stingray dying but convienently forgot to mention how he got a second stingray that is thriving last I saw. I like kaveman’s videos and I’ll stick to em 99% of the time.

IDK man, this guy has some pretty good vids, and there are indeed a decent amount of quality youtubers that can help people quite a bit. I kniw there are lots of BS channels, you just have to kniw hiw to read through the crap.
yeah I agree with this. That slander video is just for clicks it’s bs.
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jason longboard

MFK Member
Apr 12, 2007
I’ve watched that crap lol. He basically only highlights few and far between mistakes and like his stingray dying but convienently forgot to mention how he got a second stingray that is thriving last I saw. I like kaveman’s videos and I’ll stick to em 99% of the time.

yeah I agree with this. That slander video is just for clicks it’s bs.

havnt watched it


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
you just have to kniw hiw to read through the crap.

If you have a reasonable understanding in the first place of what the you tuber is saying, then yes, you can wade through the crap quite easily. Many of us long in the tooth hobbyists can take you tubers with a pinch of salt.

But an inexperienced hobbyist who hasn't got a clue, and chooses you tube as their go to place for knowledge, often doesn't realise that the info they are absorbing may be total rubbish.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
Youtube is what it is, a platform with everything from know-nothing dopes to Nobel prize winning scientists. There's high quality science and pseudo-science junk, you need to know enough to know the difference-- whatever the topic. I've watched a few of the Kaveman guy's videos and what he's basically done is try to employ best practices, explain the reasons, and what he learns by trying different things on which there are varying opinions, as well as what happens when he makes a mistake. Most of it's pretty basic if you're experienced, helpful if you're not, and I tell you what, he's better than 'Father Fish' who DOES claim to be an expert, then tries to convince you not to do water changes.


MFK Member
Dec 28, 2022
I recommend to anyone new to the hobby, enjoy the youtube content. If the person mentions a brand name or has a link for a product, they are probably getting a kickback of money or product.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Youtube is what it is, a platform with everything from know-nothing dopes to Nobel prize winning scientists. There's high quality science and pseudo-science junk, you need to know enough to know the difference...
That's it, in a nutshell. But in the real world, the ratio of dopes to actual smart guys is frightfully high; on YouTube I suspect it's even higher. We've seen the question asked here from time to time: "I want to make some money off my YouTube channel by making fish videos; how do I go about that?"

Well, the first step is that you need to gets lots of viewers. One way to do that would be to post valuable, factual videos that actually teach people something they need to know. But the easy way, the way many of the YouTubers choose, is to just turn it into a clown show. I know at least one poster here will take offense to this, but honestly...I don't give a crap.

Sure, it might be entertaining to watch and listen to the gobbledeegook if you recognize it for what it is...but how about the beginners who watch and listen and then proceed to act on some of the garbage they see? How would they know any better?

It's bad enough when a newbie comes onto MFK or similar social media and asks a question which is then answered by people who don't know the answer any better than he/she does. But the attention-seeking look-at-me types who post this stuff go one further; they don't even wait for the question to be asked, they just pump out another video using their own secret recipe of actual data mixed in with a healthy dash of haven't-got-a-clue-but-I'm-talking-anyway. Gotta keep collecting those views.

Sadly, there's no way to point out these worse-than-useless infomercials without seeming disrespectful to the people who make them. Hmmm....I wonder...why is that?

Midwater Midwater , that video doesn't seem to be visible?