Believe what you wish but I contend corporations did not fundamentally change at that time. My contention being corporations were no more or less greedy in 2018, 2019, 2020 that they were in 2021 or 2022
Hello; I do not know for sure if you are responding to my post, but if you are, your comments support my view. We have had corporations for a very long time. We did have a glut of excess spending and economically disastrous shut & lockdowns during the reaction to the Covid disease. A case where the "cure" was indeed worse than the disease, at least economically. (Some questions have arisen as to if the lockdowns and all did much good in terms of disease impacts but that is for another time and may not be allowed on here.)I believe the time frame your talking about coincides with another event. Covid didn't cause the inflation but 6 months of shutdowns and no production did,
Sadly, additional excess spending continued after Covid to the tune of trillions. Described as printing money out of the air by some. My take is this is the root of the huge inflation hole we are now in. In addition to the spending was added an increase in the cost of transportation fuels. While my vehicle travel costs went up, the cost of diesel for over the road trucks made everything we buy cost more. In particular food was a big inflation hit. I can and did cut back on some personal trips. I could not however avoid buying food.
To tie this back into the UHC exec shooting which apparently kicked off the discussion, an attempt has been made to lay inflation on greedy corporations. It also appears a great number of folks are having problems with major health insurance carriers. I do not know many details at this point, but it seems the shooter is become something of a folk hero to some. An irony may be that the particular UHC exec who was shot was one of the few who was working to correct those sorts of problems. Guess we may find out.