Ich or velvet

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Everything gets worse before it gets better. It gets worse because the increase in heat and salt make the epistylis come out and then it falls off hence the need for large every other day WC.
I've had it twice in 20 years and that's what i did

With the salt, may be a stupid question but here it goes. Salt is only at first and then no more salt and just do water changes every other day for a month?
With the salt, may be a stupid question but here it goes. Salt is only at first and then no more salt and just do water changes every other day for a month?
The salt dont leave the water column you have to do WC to remove the salt then you add more
So add 1 tble spoon per 5 gallons then 2 days later do a WC then add salt again. Rinse and repeat for a month
1# cause , the Oscar tank is under filter'ed. 2# Lack of water changes ,, 3# cold water...

It's a 125g with 2 110 hob filters with plenty of BB and media, 3 level sponge filtration 1x coarse 20PPI, 1x medium 30PPI, 1x fine 40PPI, 2 425 powerheads, 8" airstone, fish load is very light, fish are small / young still tank is way under stocked. I do water changes at least once a week. amonia etc is always at safe levels I check regularly. temp is 81 with two Eheim Jager 300w heaters on an inkbird controller, total of 4 thermostats spaced in different locations on the tank.
water temp or conditions are without a doubt not the problem
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I've been getting conflicting answers on this online. Some say they are exposed other say that it is more of a stress or water condition issue which in theory can effect the other fish not the epistylis itself and that epistylis is not directly contagious. Any thoughts on this?
I removed the oscar last night. How would I treat the other fish not showing signs of being sick? Same antibiotic / salt bath routine as if they are showing sign? I may just wait and montior them for sign...
Fish are exposed. It exists in the tank. Similar to ich. As long as the fish are in clean water, healthy and eating well then shouldn’t get it. Prolonged exposure to a sick fish can stress out the other fish and then start getting sick. Poor water can stress out fish and can get it too. I would just watch the fish and if get sick then consider treating. Start to develop spots or not eating. But I would still treat in the main tank. If you’ve already moved the fish then leave in quarantine for now. Try avoiding moving for now.
The salt dont leave the water column you have to do WC to remove the salt then you add more
So add 1 tble spoon per 5 gallons then 2 days later do a WC then add salt again. Rinse and repeat for a month
Thank you, I’ve had the tank set up for about a month now, I took it over from a guy I know. maybe 5-6 water changes. I haven’t readded salt when doing regular WC just conditioner. I was under the impression it wasn’t needed for every WC and it stayed in the substrate, sounds like I’ve been screwing this up. So I should be adding salt per gallon of water readded during all wc sick fish or no sick fish?
If it is epistylis this is how i treated it, others may treat it different also when i treated my fish weren't as far as long as yours.
but yes i would add 1 tble spoon of salt per 5 gallons then every other day i would do a 80% WC with a very through vacuum making sure to vacuum the sand or gravel what ever you got when the epistylis falls off that's why you vacuum and redose with the salt.
It will actually clear off the fish in about 2-3 weeks but i keep doing it for a month to make sure its gone out of the water column and not in your sand or gravel