
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. pancakes

    Freshwater Stock | SoCal | 92880

    Going different direction. All eyeballed... 1-400 Odessa (1-2” & 1-300 filaments) 100 20-25 RummyNose Tetras 30 3 LG (6-9”) male & 1 F Tapajos 200 20-25 (2-4”)F1 Tapajos 125 Discus (5-6”) take all 500 or 100ea F (Confirmed) Altum F F1 (Confirmed/Proven) Alenquer x2 Unsexed San Merah x2 M...
  2. PGJE

    dream tanks

    i don't know if anyone has posted any of these before (couldn't find any), but if you could have an aquarium (any size as long as it's not unheard of), what would you do with it??? I would get a kelp forest and put grouper, Giribaldi, and other large Californian fish in it! (sorry if someone...
  3. yzf450motoxrider

    Fiberglassing Plywood best/ easiest method?

    I'm curious how come most here seem to use the woven mat and epoxy resin instead of chop strand and polyester resin? The polyester is cheaper and the mat comes in 50 inch wide rolls. Also you don't have to sand between coats.
  4. pancakes

    FS/FT: Penn Plax Canister Filter 1000 | 40 | 92880

    Cascade 1000 with another sun sun canister filter with new uv bulb I bought to replace the old one. Both full media. 40 or trade for a 8 out 10 ac110. PM for faster response.
  5. PGJE

    any suggestions for community tank fish?

    I'm going to upgrade my turtles tank soon and free up my 50 gallon, so i was planning to move my angelfish, dwarf gourami, cory's and danios into it. i'm then going to add 2 more angelfish. If thats not fully stocked already, are there any other types of small fish that would be good in a 50...
  6. CristianV

    Pick Your Winner

    A continuation of my previous thread “Fantasy Fish Battle”. I’ve accumulated who my top dogs would be so I’m letting you guys pick the champ! If choice isn’t listed, post who you’d pick. Explainations of your pick would be appreciated, thanks guys! (No snakeheads as they are illegal in America)
  7. dwsdarius

    Can Arowana live in a tank with flow???

    Hello everyone! I just moved my 9 inch silver arowana from my 125g to my 210g (not its final tank) which has a circulation pump at the surface for better oxygen exchange. The flow pushes the arowana around a lot but when I turn off the pump, the arowana and other fish start breathing hard being...
  8. H

    Monster fish tank design advice

    Hi all, I am close to ordering my first truly big aquarium. It is meant to be underneath the windows of the front of my house so there is no option of putting the tank on a stand. I came up with sort of a "side-sump" design and i would like to have feedback on it. The dimensions are...
  9. Kiryoku

    Brooklyn, Looking For 65G Tank.

    Looking for 65G Tanks With Dimensions Of 18x36. Comment Or PM. Thanks!
  10. rich81090

    photos showing the fish house build

    Hi everyone, after the last video quite a few people asked me how i built the fish house. this video looks at the photos i took from start to finish with me explaining what i did and hopefully some of you will find it interesting. let me know what you think.
  11. A

    Question about lighting my 460 gallon Aquarium

    Hello All, I have recently started building a 460 gallon aquarium (80'x45'x30'), and am wondering what the best light would be to light my aquarium. My plan with the aquarium was to fill it up a little less than 1/2 of the way and create a paludarium with plants growing fully emersed, floating...
  12. F

    Tanks for sale! SFV

    Hey I got a couple of tanks I don’t need anymore. 3 of them come with stands. I cannot deliver, located in Reseda, CA 91335 1) stand included, glass $50 Width is 1 ft Length 4 feet Height 1 foot 6 inches and 3/4 2) No Stand and thick glass $60 I have another At Height 2ft 1 inch and 3/5...
  13. Kiryoku

    90G Tank Stock Ideas!

    Hello, Everyone! I have a 90G aquarium that’s 36x13x50 I know it calculates to 100G but the glass thickness is 1/2 inch so true size would be 35x12x50 which calculates to 90G. But anyways, i was wondering if i could get some insight on what to stock it with for a living room piece. Lace Java...
  14. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    DIY Filtration and media

    Whats your favorite DIY filter and media choice? I'm thinking of making a canister filter out of a 5 gallon pale and hook it up to my 125g for added filtration. I've seen a few different designs and ways to do it but curious to what you guys have came up with for DIY filtration and media ?
  15. Davidiator

    Post Your Favorite Pics

    Please post your favorite pics of YOUR fish or aquarium... Stock and size doesn't matter, (not done i have a large rock and wood getting ready to be put in there i will post a pic when it is finished)
  16. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    - 125g setup -

    This is my 125g setup- Fish: - 5 Myleus Schomburgkii (black bar silver doller), 8 Metynnis Lippincottianus (spotted silver dollar), 1 Metynnis Fasciatus (tiger stripe silver dollar) - 4 Geophagus Tapajos' red head - 1 Hypostomus plecostomus (common pleco) - 1 Calophysus macropterus ( Vulture...
  17. PGJE

    Is it a real convict???

    I got two convict cichlids a few days ago and I heard that they lose their stripes when they are stressed, which is what the female does (but she mainly has the stripes, just loses them if you first walk into the room), but the male never has stripes, and he has a slightly red tail. Is he sick...
  18. PGJE

    Outgoing cichlids for a 23 gallon tank???

    I just recently emptied my 23 gallon tank from any fish and I was wondering what cichlids I could get? I want one that would be outgoing and swimming around a lot and excited to see me for food. I was thinking convicts, but are those too shy?
  19. F

    December 20 2017 Monster Updated Stock list

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! We got a way better rate now on fedex, try us ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! Grade A Platinum Alligator Gar (COMING IN 2 DAYS) Cuban Gar ( Coming in 2 days) Albino Silver...
  20. J

    Need advise/suggestion on cutting glass of already built fish tank

    Hello All, I have built a fish tank of my own of size 24x12x18 Inch. Now for some reason, I have miscalculated the height of tank to 18 Inch instead of 15 Inch. I have some space issue for the height to accommodate the tank and looking to cut the height to 15 from 18 inch. So could you please...