
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. A

    Help regarding UV sterilizer

    Hello I just wanted to ask if UV sterilizers can cause damage to freshwater fish? i have been using a submersible UV sterilizer for a few years now and it has always worked fine for me. But recently my 50G aquarium had an algae bloom so i put the sterilizer from my fish pond into the tank for a...
  2. ukgoffer

    Clearing out some extra fish stuff

    Time to clear it out. I’m a big fan of eheim canisters. I’ve got an XL that runs my 240g and can do it solo with only a small weekly WC. They are easy to service. Eheim 2217 - up to 159 g. 264 gph flow. 8”x8”x16”. $30 Eheim 2213 - up to 55 g. 116 gph. $25 Eheim Ecco 2232 - up to 35 g. 132...
  3. AG458

    What are your dream fish?

    I've realized that, no matter what fish we've got, we realize that there's always more fish on our wish list. Some of the fish we'll be able to purchase, keep, and care for; others, we will have to view at aquariums, hoping for the day we can own one of those fish. Here are my dream fish...
  4. headlessblade

    Super kok red dragon flowerhorn breeding

    kok male and female flowerhorn cichlid
  5. headlessblade

    Red Texas x super red dragon

    They stopped fighting and started to prepare the tank for breeding :) . Red Texas x super red dragon flowerhorn Cichlids
  6. A

    Arowana Aquarium size question

    So. I recently got into arowanas. And i started researching aquarium sized. However i live in an area without alot of aquarium activity, Like Theres some 50 ish gallons, But no big ones But anyways, My question is. Could an arowana fit in a 185gal tank? (You post sizes since i might just build...
  7. A

    Aqua Alex's South American Aquarium Blog Thread,

    This is going to be the thread where I will post everything and anything about my somewhat South American community aquarium. I will provide updates, videos, pictures and more. I think you will enjoy seeing my tank. This has always been a dream of mine to own MY very own 6' aquarium and with my...
  8. Alec Hales

    New to MFK, getting married and I need your help!

    My fiancé and I signed up for a competition, with our local news (KSL 5, Utah), to win a free all-inclusive wedding at an amazing Aquarium here in Utah! We both love fish (I'm obviously obsessed), and just animals in general, so as you can imagine this would be amazing! We are officially one of...
  9. Ankit Naidu

    Is my coral fine?

    its green button polyp which I got a for free! But it didn't open! Is it fine or is anything troubling it?
  10. Murrayt

    125-150 Gallon Aggressive Stock Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I have been out of the hobby for a while now and am eager to return. For years I have kept numerous Central/South American Cichlids. I was previously prone to overstocking the tank and adding numerous fish species that although were able to coexist, became stressful worrying about...
  11. AG458

    Tank Mate Ideas?

    My current 60gal tank consists of four fish: a black ear pangasius, a common pleco, a juvenile peacock bass, and a clown knifefish-most of which will outgrow my tank. So far, my only issue with the tank mates is that my CK is aggressive towards my pleco-not biting him or anything like that; more...
  12. The Dave

    Cherry Shrimp - How To Breed, What To Feed, And Everything You Need.

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the life of the Cherry Shrimp. You will see detailed footage of them molting, mating, feeding, and giving birth. It is filled with detailed and accurate information about how to care for and breed dwarf shrimp in general, but with a...
  13. Josh's Fish

    7x4x2ft (1400litres) Prehistoric Predator Tank

    The tank has a 16 inch tall open Riparium canopy with sliding glass doors, so emersed plants can grow and the fish can jump without hitting a lid. At the moment I keep: x2 Polypterus bichir lapradei x2 P. endlicheri x1 P. congicus x1 P. ansorgii x1 P. polli x1 P. senegalus x3 P...
  14. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  15. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  16. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  17. freshfishin727

    560 GALLON 96x48x28 sump build

    So I really hope someone could give me some insight , I came across a deal for a dream tank that I couldn't pass up and we'll I need a sump now, and we all know it's cheaper to get when you know what you're exactly looking for. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Future thanks.
  18. R

    Architecture for animals. please help.

    Hello people, I'm an architecture student and I was thinking about going with ARCHITECTURE FOR ANIMALS as a topic for my thesis. Anyone who has heard anything about this topic or give me any sort of information on a place I can research regarding this subject would be of great help. This...
  19. Zex Marquis

    265 gallon re seal

    Sooo I'm new to this site, but not to the hobby. I just recently purchased a 265 gallon glass aquarium with a plexiglass sump at a great deal. The tank looks solid. Half inch glass with a double pane on the bottom. The sump is another story. Before i actually put this tank in my house and fill...
  20. Jakec96

    Salt water substrate in African cichlid aquarium

    I recently bought a used 55 gallon from someone that I want to use as a grow out tank for mbuna African cichlids. The tank was previously a salt water aquarium. I was wondering if I could use the sand that it came with in an African cichlid setup or do i have to buy a new substrate. I'm not sure...