• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. A

    Arowana Aquarium size question

    So. I recently got into arowanas. And i started researching aquarium sized. However i live in an area without alot of aquarium activity, Like Theres some 50 ish gallons, But no big ones But anyways, My question is. Could an arowana fit in a 185gal tank? (You post sizes since i might just build...
  2. S

    Can i stock these fishes in a 150 gallon aquarium?

    In a few days my new 5*2*2 aquarium will be finished and later needs to be setup.I thought of having an asian arowana untill fish reaches 1 and a half feet in length, 1 oscar, 6 clown loaches med sized, 1 black ghost knife fish which i already have(6-7 inches), along with 3-4 sea...
  3. N

    Powerhead and Airstone for Dorado and Goonch?

    Hey - What powerheads and airstone would you recommend for 7-8" Dorado's and goonch in a 180 gal? Thanks! - Nick
  4. J

    Tank balance

    Looking for advice on this combination of monsters....
  5. D

    Arowana hitting aquarium glass

    Hello, I am having trouble with my jardini arowana. He keeps hitting the glass of his aquarium too much, he has bruises all over his body. He is 30 cm, and his tank is 3X1X1,5 meters. He is alone in the tank, and he eats well. Is it possible to have too big of a tank?
  6. L

    Jardini not eating.

    Hello guys, I don't know why but this jardini that i have has a very weak appetite. I have him since Nov 2016. from 3" now he is about 8". Now he has not been eating for a week. He is in his solo tank. All parameters are in par. water has good air and water agitation. He does not eat pellets...
  7. A-Train


    Hey everyone I've had clown knives before and I've owned several other monster fish not something that is odd and has me worried is I just added a Jardini arowana ( 4-5 inches ) to my 220 gallon tank with my Golden clown knife ( 10 inches ) and I noticed today my clown knife was being overly...
  8. DevilTovarDog

    ISO Albino silver arowana 10-14"

    Hello I'm in search of a golden albino arowana. Looking for one that between 10-14", please lmk what out there thanks
  9. F

    June 21 current Monster Updated Stock List~

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! https://www.facebook.com/monsteraquariuminc/ 5-6" Goliath Tiger fish $155 6" Dewata Borneo Giant gourami ( red) $500 8" True Red Gar $600 3" Tiger Scats #120 10-12" Platinum Allgiator gar...
  10. DevilTovarDog

    WTB African Aro

    looking for an African Aro, prefer around a foot long but smaller would work also.
  11. ong88

    Crossback Golden Arowana and community tankmates

    Full tank shot 6.5' across
  12. Z

    Silver Arowana acting very strange please help!!

    Hello, this is my first post on mfk. I purchased a 5" silver arowana yesterday and put him in with my 7" diameter motoro stingray and the arowana has been acting very strange. He is not swimming all the time. When I go near the tank, he will just hide and stay still on the bottom of the tank...
  13. M

    16" Jardini Arowana For Sale or Trade

    Make me an offer for my 16" Jardini. Very healthy currently in a 180 gallon. Had this arow for a little over a year. It has never eaten live food and has a variety diet of shrimp, tilapia, pellets, and earthworms. That's just what I feed my whole tank so being a pig he eats it all. This photo...
  14. Coco Afable

    My Jardini's tank ammonia reading. Safe or not?

    Hi guys, what are the numbers do you see on this reading? I'm seeing a number between 0 - 0.25ppm. What do you guys see? My nitrites is at 0ppm and nitrates between 10-20ppm. Iam not quite sure if misterhamster(Jardini) is doing alright, he seems to be staying in one corner of the tank when...
  15. V

    arowana pond size?

    Hi new to MFK forums. After looking at the different variations of arowana i have decided on keeping around 5 crossback golden arowana. I intend to build an outdoor pond (live in the caribbean, so predators and weather arent much of an issue) and was wondering what the appropriate measurements...
  16. L

    Arowana Jardini Appetite

    Hello fellow monster lover! I just have a quick question. My Jardini has a very weak appetite. water parameters are in check. temp is in 76 degrees. He only eats 1 mealworm every 2 days. my question is that how can i increase his appetite? he is about 7 inches long. he won't eat pellets just...
  17. GoldFinger

    Cleaning Arowana Tank - HELP!

    Hi guys I'm new to the forum and greatly appreciate your advice. I am setting up a 84"x30"x28" tank for an Asian Arowana and likely a stingray with a small school of Discus. I have two questions after reading other posts and would like further and/or updated advice on the following items: 1)...
  18. munchie

    FS | 8.5in tigrinus | $150 | orange county, ca | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 8.5in tigrinus What are your prices?: 150 Where are you located?: orange county, ca Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: selling my tigrinus. asking $150 FIRMED. NO PAYMENTS OR TRADES. NOT IN RUSH TO SELL SO...
  19. B

    All glass 11ft

    Hi all I'm back, it's been ages I know, I think the last post I did was back in 2013 or 2014, I was originally going to have a 12x3x3 all glass aquarium built on site, now I've gone for 11x4x2.5.
  20. S

    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to the forum my name is Sara. I have been out of the fish keeping a while but now have a freshly stocked 250 gallon. Started out with 2 bichirs, ornate and endlis, later we tried 3 silver aro's, then, 2 silver flagtails and a gar. I joined because I now have many questions and some...