
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. munchie

    FS | 8.5in tigrinus | $150 | orange county, ca | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 8.5in tigrinus What are your prices?: 150 Where are you located?: orange county, ca Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: selling my tigrinus. asking $150 FIRMED. NO PAYMENTS OR TRADES. NOT IN RUSH TO SELL SO...
  2. B

    All glass 11ft

    Hi all I'm back, it's been ages I know, I think the last post I did was back in 2013 or 2014, I was originally going to have a 12x3x3 all glass aquarium built on site, now I've gone for 11x4x2.5.
  3. S

    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to the forum my name is Sara. I have been out of the fish keeping a while but now have a freshly stocked 250 gallon. Started out with 2 bichirs, ornate and endlis, later we tried 3 silver aro's, then, 2 silver flagtails and a gar. I joined because I now have many questions and some...
  4. chihuicahui

    Curvy Arowana

    Hi! We bought our baby arowana a month ago at about 4 inches. He is about 5 inches now. A while ago I noticed a strange curve in his spine and thought it was getting better. But it seems to have gotten worse or at least more noticeable. He is temporarily in a 130 gallon tank with about 15...
  5. O

    Advice please on my arowana

    Hi all, I have a 6 inch jardini arowana, iv had him for 3 weeks. From day one he's always been straight to his food, never hid and was always patrolling his tank, yesterday he seemed a lot shyer, hiding in the plants a lot and when he did come out he was looking at his reflection on the glass...
  6. Bryan Crownover

    Giant SA tank ideas?

    I have a Silver Arowana that's in the growing stages at about 5 inches in a 125 that will be moving to a 350 sometime this summer or fall. I want to put him in a giant tank of about 1200 gallons, possibly a bit more that would be L shaped. I want to house him with other SA species though. My...
  7. Alligator head


    I read on the below link that arapaima rarely reach over 60 cm in captivity is it true!?
  8. Alligator head


    Is there any sign of dropsy?
  9. Alligator head


    My aro has been staying in front of the powerhead flow! I don't know why it's doing this from past 2 days! Is it normal or is there something I should do!?
  10. chihuicahui

    Arched Arowana

    My baby silver arowana, Tyler, is about 4" long. He's currently in a 125 gallon tank with 15 cories, two twignose catfish, two whiptail catfish, two stripped rafaels, a common pleco, a gold spot butterfly pleco, and now two convict cichlids. A couple people have recently mentioned an arch in...
  11. F


    Hi guys! Sorry, I'm a noobies in here. I am wondering if anyone have a good idea where to get jardini arowana or are giving them away. Thank you!
  12. Alligator head

    Arowana tank mates!?

    Hey guys! I was wondering can I keep my RTG with few SA nd CA cichlids. I have a 8" RTG I'm thinking to add two 4" oscars, one 3" G Gourami, one 3" Severum, one 2" jaguar, one 2" red devil, one 2" Texas and one 3" green terror! My arowana is currently with a bichir senegalus bichir and it keeps...
  13. Bryan Crownover

    Need to build an Arowana tank in my basement

    I have a baby Silver Aro of about 3 to 4 inches long and I want to get a solid plan out and begin stockpiling materials and gradually building to move him in when he grows more on me. I have plenty of space in the basement and I am thinking of doing it plywood and acrylic. Looking at my...
  14. Alligator head

    My arowana's tail cutting off!!!

    I got this arowana yesterday! It's a RED TAIL GOLDEN! In the evening I observed it's tail cutting off from the fleshy part! And finally at night it broke off, but now more part of the tail is starting to separate! What might be the cause and would it grow back! THANK YOU!
  15. J

    FREE | Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) | $0 | SoCal, CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FREE What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) What are your prices?: 0 Where are you located?: SoCal, CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Look what I found, wish I can pick up? Good Luck whoever gets it...
  16. Bryan Crownover

    Silver Arowana Tips

    Hi, I just joined the site and also just got my first Silver Arowana from my local ACE Hardware. He's a baby of about 4 inches and I currently have him housed in my 125 gallon South American mostly catfish community tank. My girlfriend and I are getting heavily into keeping varied fish in...
  17. Alexander342

    Please help Arowana dieing from hole on stomach

    Extremely urgent!!!! I recently bought a big discus which my Arowana approx 15cm started attacking so I tried to catch the Arowana in a net to move him to another tank which failed because he's so quick and there are so many obstacles in my tank so I tried catching him with my hand but when I...
  18. StalkedCargo

    Fish Room Stocking Ideas?

    Hello everyone. I am in the process of building my first fish room. It is nothing special but im extremely happy with the set up. I'll post a photo as it sits now. The basics however are 2"x4"x10' board and cinder blocks. Simple HOB filters I already have for filtration and mounted shop lights...
  19. L.Z.

    FTS | (Jardini) Australian Arowana | $120 | Bellflower,CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: (Jardini) Australian Arowana What are your prices?: 120 Where are you located?: Bellflower,CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Selling my Jardini Australian Arowana Asking $120 or Best Offer Shoot me an offer...
  20. P

    Albino Silver Arowana- First Arowana purchase!!!

    Just purchased this 4 inch albino silver Arowana today. This is my first Arowana purchase ever and I'm glad to have been able to find a rather sought after fish.