
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. L

    So I bought a one-eyed bichir

    Just got a one-eyed ornate about 7 inches. Didn't notice until I got home. I was thinking of returning it but the one-eye really adds character and now I kinda don't want to. Will this guy grow up normal? Any one kept a one-eyed before, if so, how was it different than normal bichirs? Really...
  2. L

    Flagtail Prochilodus question

    So I'm planning on getting a semaprochilodus taeniurus. I'm currently iffy about it now because of what I read about them. Do they really turn to savage slime coat suckers? I currently have a florida gar and a couple of bichirs in the tank. Is there a way to prevent a flagtail from sucking on my...
  3. Luxury Fish Keeping

    WTB Weeksii Bichir SoCal

    WTB Weeksii Bichirs Can meet locally in SoCal PM me info! Thanks
  4. Sarahmander

    Albino is acting weird... again

    This time he is pooping stringy white stuff. He's still eating voraciously, but he isn't as active as he was. He's also probably stressed because my other senegal has been bullying him a bit. Considering separating the two. Water parameters are fine, temp is 78, all other fish are okay. I saw...
  5. Rensille

    Tankmates for planted bichir tank?

    Hello, I'm a newbie in fish keeping i only started about 2 months ago when i saw a pair of bichirs at a pet shop i fell in love with them. I purchased and currently setting up a new 70 gallon for them as an upgrade from a tiny 30 gallon long tank . As of now both my albino Senegal bichirs have...
  6. W

    New Polypterus babys

    Just picked up a couple little bichir the other day at Midway tropical fish in Washington. A little Ornate and a Delhezi.
  7. J

    Bichir foods

    Hi all! What do you feed your bichir? My ornate likes earthworms. I try shrimp pellets but never see him eat any. Actual shrimp floats so he doesn't go for it. Ideas to increase dietary variety?
  8. Sarahmander

    Setting up the 100 gal... finally

    Setting up my 100 gallon w/ 30 gal sump next week. I have black sand and manzanita wood (tannins are gonna suck) for in the tank and then seachem matrix, filter floss, and seachem stability for getting my sump started. It has three chambers that flow into each other through the bottom of the...
  9. Sarahmander

    Polypterus Personalities

    Hey, guys! You've all had such helpful advice, I thought I would ask this instead of trying to google it. I currently have 1 albino sen, 2 sen, and 1 del in a 40 gallon grow out tank. They are getting pretty big now, and I am setting up the 100 gallon. I want to get at least one more bichir...
  10. J

    Tank upgrade

    Okay. I've been experimenting with all sorts of different fish trying to find a peaceful combination. I finally have a batch not fighting. 3 angels. 1 ornate bichir. 1 elephant nose. 1 severum. 1 yellow jacket and 1 silver arowana. They all are young and getting along. I have a 120 but know I'll...
  11. J

    Blood parrots, will they stop fighting?

    I've got a 120 gallon. I have a bichir who's the absolute must in the tank. I had a severum and a blood parrot and three tinfoil barbs. The severum kept wanting to swim with the blood parrot, but the blood parrot didn't really seem interested. At the fish store they didn't have severums, plus I...
  12. J

    Tank Capacity 120 Gallon

    I am fairly new to keeping big fish. I tried oscars but they wouldn't stop fighting. Got an ornate bichir that I think is awesome. Wanted some tank mates for him. So for my 120 gallon I've got the ornate, three tinfoil barbs, one blood parrot, and one severum. How close do you think I am on...
  13. Sarahmander

    My Senegal Being Cute

    This is Sigurd and he loves his "trees"
  14. AquaScape

    10/25/18 CURRENT STOCK-LIST!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo 2”-3” $30.oo Ea. Or 4/$100.oo Caribe (Pygocentrus Notatus) 8”-9” ON SALE **$200.oo Ea.** Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 5”-6”...
  15. rayoddballfish

    Lapradei Bichir Problem

    Hi everyone its me again. I have not been on MFK for a year, but I'm back because of my bichir. She has been with me for a year and a half now and after everything I've tried, such as general cure, salt, and high temps, she is still quite skinny and eats very little. She hasnt grown much in the...
  16. Ash_water

    ID My Endlucheri Please

    Hi guyz!! Can someone please help me ID my Endlicheri? Is it CB or WC? Size is around 17 inches Currently in a temporary grow-out tank.
  17. deradlerskartal

    Polypterus / MFK Ankara

    Hey, I generally had an endlich but now I have a group of polypterus that I really like them. I will update their video/photo that I can do; or (low quality) 28 cm endlich is with me for almost 6 months...
  18. D

    Small Senegal Bichir - Tank Mates

    Hey guys, This is my first adventure into the world of MFK! Have been in and out of the hobby for the better part of two decades. I just picked up two Senegal bichirs about 5" each. In the process of getting their 75 gallon but in the meantime I have them in my 55 gallon community tank with...
  19. B

    Fry to juvenile size

    Does anyone know how long it takes for a tiny fry newborn bichir to reach around 3 inches? if specifics are needed, I am wondering about the albino bichir. Thanks in advance!
  20. CrazyKoiCracker

    Bichir - How Low is Too Low?

    Good afternoon! (Or morning, or night) First post here. Quick back ground, most of my experience is with koi and goldfish. Between the ponds I own and the neighborhood ponds that I help maintain and advise, I’ve been taking care of about ten koi ranging from 23” to 34”, and more goldfish...