
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    Poly ID please

    Looking for an ID for this poly of mine. I have my thoughts but am more interested in everyone else's take. I got it from an LFS at 3" about a years ago. Sold as an endli. Its about 12-13" now. Thanks!
  2. AquaScape

    Stock-List 6/22/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo Ea. Or 10/$70.oo Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 2”-3” $35.oo Ea. Lobetoothed Piranha(Pygopristis denticulate) 2.5”-3” $35.oo Ea. Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8”...
  3. S

    Senegal bichir tank mates?

    I know this has been asked already, but I wanted some fresh opinions. Could a senegal bichir do well with maybe an elephant nose, african brown knife, or african cichlids? Please answer!
  4. S

    Senegal bichir personality?

    Hey y'all. I might get a senegal bichir so I wanted to know what they are like. Do they handfeed? Do they like to be pet? Will they follow you in the tank? Please tell me!
  5. S

    Can a black ghost knife and a senegal bichir live together comfortably?

    Hey y'all. Soon I'm going to get a black ghost knife and I wanted to know if a senegal bichir and a bgk could get along. I love them and would love to keep both, but I'm only allowed one tank. So, please tell me how they do together.
  6. A

    All bichir in my tank are dying!

    Hi, since about a half year im totally into bichir. Got some Delhezi, Senugales, Ornate, Endlicheri, Lapradei, and Palmas B. Devided into 3 tanks. I'm having a bit of a Pokémon pollacy: gotta catch em all! All jokes aside; i lost 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. Symptons where all the same...
  7. T

    Hide ideas for my new 400g

    Hey guys! So I just recently moved and set up my 400gallon tank in my new home. It’s 8 foot wide 2 foot 3 deep and 2 foot tall.. and succefully moved all my fish from the 120gal... I dropped a bichir but he’s fine :o . I transferred the canister with them and slowly acclimated them so the tank...
  8. Cthulhubone

    First time, and I got some questions...

    Excuse the length ><. I just recently got into the hobby, and I started with basic stuff, a simple 10 gallon with some cory's . The goal was to get into aquascaping and just have life that helped maintain the tank... & then I saw my first bichir. Bought her, and immediately bought a 40 gallon...
  9. Exotic Aquatics LLC

    Platinum Catfish, Luteus Pleco, Bichir FRRE SHIP!

    Hey Everyone, You guys have been great to me and I genuinely appreciate all the love! We're nearly sold out of everything! Here are a few things left over.. We can ship FedEx/UPS to most of the east coast for 50 to 75 bucks. All other areas should use Air Cargo to save on costs. Orders of...
  10. Lars6

    Senegal Bichir Nostril messed up

    Hey all, I have a 5 inch Senegal Bichir that has a nostril that looks like it is decaying compared to the other one. Any idea what’s wrong? He jumped into the filtration compartment in the back a while ago and I’m not sure if he injured it then or not.
  11. Blakewater

    Pics From Feeding Time Today

    Enjoy guys, I felt artsy! These are a few of my mini monsters getting fattened up. Only one missing is my ornate and regular sen.
  12. P

    Stealthy Stalker

    Hi :) Just signed up and thought I'd share my latest fish I got 2 days ago. This is not a MonsterFish per se, it's tank mate's with a pair of P.senegalus, hope P.Sene fall into MF category otherwise I'll need another forum. :p Hope you enjoy.
  13. C


    So I ordered a Reedfish over the weekend. It arrives Thursday. It's about 11 inches long. I have two tanks it can go in. It can go with my baby Bichirs (3 inch Senegal, 5.5 inch Albino Senegal, 6 inch Ornate, 5 inch Endli) or my Oddball tank (7 inch Alligator Gar ((Being Donated to local...
  14. Jacob._.merc


    I think I may have found some eggs in my 40 gallon tank. But the only pairs I have in the tank are bichirs and blood parrots. They look like little white clusters on the glass. There are three clusters. Could the be eggs or something else?
  15. C

    Pleco with Bichirs?

    I have a 2.5" Senegal, 4.5" Albino Senegal, 5" Ornate, and a new baby Endlicheri of unknown size (it arrives tomorrow). When I go to pick it up, I was thinking of either getting a 4" BGK or a species of Pleco. Is the Pleco compatitble if it's the same size or bigger? If not, should I get the BGK?
  16. AquaScape

    Stock-list 04/23/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” SOLD OUT 4”-5” SOLD OUT Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 9”-10” SOLD OUT Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8” $550.oo Ea. 8”-9”...
  17. C

    Can I get Bichirs?

    Hey all, My dad's giving me his old 75g and I'm fairly new to the fish scene. Now, I really want Senegals, like really bad, but I've searched around and asked friends and I keep getting different responses on whether or not I can keep some in my 75g. I understand there's a lot of variables...
  18. Kiryoku

    Identifying bichir species

    Need help identifying bichir species! This is the only photo i have.
  19. P

    This sucks

    just got my 2 banjo catfish and assasin snails in the mail. I thought they’d be a bit bigger then what they were but now I can’t put them in the main tank yet. So I must make a grow out tank with sand for a few months. Then the bichir won’t think of them as a snack. And the gouramis pick on the...
  20. L

    BGK and pleco tankmates

    Hi guys. This is my first post.. I have a 615liter I think it's about 160g. I started it as a community tank with 2 bgks(one about 25cm and the other about 20cm at the moment), one pleco(about 30cm) and a couple of other community fish like black neons, neons, glowlight tetras, a few glowfish...