
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Josh's Fish

    Guess the species! - (ID Practice)

    Well don't actually guess, I want you to tell me what species of Bichir this is and give me a good reason to why you think that (besides "it just looks like it.") Be descriptive! Think of features, markings, shape, colour etc. his will help you when it comes to identifying Bichirs :) If it...
  2. Josh's Fish

    Bichir Breeding Information - Post your experiences!

    As many of you know, hobbyist breeding Bichirs can be difficult, but raising them can be even harder. I hope this thread can be a collection of information on breeding requirements for them. How do you sex them? Males have a wide, muscular/fat anal fin and sometimes a pointed tailfin tip...
  3. Josh's Fish

    All Bichir (Polypterus) Species - Updated

    In 2010 there were some changes to Bichir literature not many people have been aware of. The following are described species only. The giant variant of P. senegalus has now been described as a new species, a subspecies to P. senegalus, forming the Senegalus complex. Both are now: Polypterus...
  4. Bryan Crownover

    Bichir in danger

    So I forgot plecos eat bichir slimecoats when I let my girlfriend get a Delhezi Bichir for her 125 gallon african tank today. He's only about 2 or 3 inches right now, would it be a good idea to move him to my molly tank with about 20 adult mollies and a tiny bristlenose pleco until we can get a...
  5. B

    Bloat or fat?

    I don't have a good quality camera so can't show photos, does anyone know if bloat is a large jutting bump at the abdomen or can look like overall thick/fat? It's a 5 inch bichir and it doesn't really have a bump, more so just very thick/fat, and it had a back end floating issue that went away...
  6. P

    Bichir and Datnoid sizing question

    Hi guys, I'm just about to finalise the delivery of the new tank inhabitants, on way are: 1 x Delhezi @ 4: 1 x Endlicheri @ 4" 1 x 4 bar Indo Dat @ 4" 3 x Tinfoils at unknown size as of yet And 1 x Hepsetus Odoe as soon as I can source one locally. My question is, although the Bichir and...
  7. B

    Bichirs in a planted paludarium?

    First off, I have been researching my favorite fish. Every time I have a question about Bichirs, Google has turned me to this forum (literally every time lol). So I figured Why not join? I use the term paludarium loosely. Idealy I am looking to get an Aqueon 210. The top 5-7 inches or so will...
  8. ZidanSanz

    Senegalus Bichir Swollen Anal Fin? Help!

    I just wonder why his anal fin swollen like that? He is eat and act like normal one (not like a sick or ill fish). Anybody can help me what's wrong with him? Thanks before :)
  9. clm08k

    Healing open wounds- bichir

    Hey everyone. My ornate bichir had a scratch(maybe a burn from heater, maybe puncture from something sharp in the tank) the first week of December. It has since then opened into a big red sore. He's slowed down a lot, and I can't figure out how to heal it. Upped my water changes to 50% per...
  10. Chi-Chi

    My favorite weirdos (bichir tank video)

    Hey all! I'm about to switch this tank over to a sand substrate (finally), and then the whole gang's moving into a 120g later in the spring. So this is sort of the last hurrah for this particular setup, which has been running more or less interrupted for the last decade. The tank's a mess, but...
  11. E

    SUPER SLOW eating Endilicheri

    My Endi bichir eats very slow. I put the food right in front of him yet he lets it sit in front of him for sometimes up to a minute or more before he eats it. He also rarely moves from this one hiding spot he has, and is just overall a inactive fish. alive had him for about 3 weeks and he's...
  12. BichirQueen

    Showin' off the babies.

    It was suggested I made a thread and showed my babies - eh why not. I have 3 currently. Ornate - Molly Endlicheri - River Senegal - Jack Eventually would like to own a teugelsi and retropinnis. Show and tell me about yours please!
  13. xDestro

    More buchirs?

    Could I add a delhezi bichir in my 75 with my roughly 6 inch senegal? If so how big would I have to get a dehlezi for him to be safe? Current stock: • 1 6 inch senegal bichir • 1 4-5 inch zig zag eel • 2 synodontis • 1 banjo • african butterflyfish • 4 red ruby barbs ( prob getting rid of) •...
  14. xDestro


    I noticed a few days ago my zig zag eel had a bit of discoloration on him, then today I did a water change and noticed 1 of my clown loaches and a few ruby red barbs have like very small bubble like thing throughout their body, is this ich? If so what is the best way to treat it and how...
  15. jonah h2o

    teugsli bichir?

    not sure if I spelled it right, but I think this is how my LFS spelled it. I was just wondering if anyone has kept a full size one and if so how big it got and how aggressive they are. one of the only things I've heard is that they haven't been in the hobby that long, I think since 2004. also if...
  16. spencer0t


    I was wondering would my 3 pbs 2 dats and bichir would do fine if the temperature was 85 till they get bigger then I would bring it down to 83 would they be good or what it not work
  17. The Dave

    My Polypterus Hunting For Nightcrawlers. High Quality Video.

    In this professionally produced, high definition video, we will see the species Polypterus delhezi in action feeding on nightcrawlers. This is one of the best polypterus videos on the internet. These are incredibly intelligent and beautiful fish. Highly recommended. Enjoy ...
  18. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  19. B

    Bichir hunger/digestion rate

    Curious if anyone has experience or knowledge in regard to this topic, thank you ahead of time. 1. Do they digest at the same rate we do? 2. If they are still full/stomach bulge after 8+ hours, did they overeat? 3. Does age/raw tilapia vs. pellets play a factor in their digestion rate?
  20. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...